Saturday, October 12, 2024

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April 13, 2018 1 a.m.

MALEK: Stands up to feds

With the upcoming Republican primary on May 15th, many are asking who the candidates are and why they should be voted for. With such a high profile race for Governor, the race for our next Congressman has gotten very little attention. Of all the contestants, the frontrunner and best choice for your next Congressman is Republican Luke Malek. Why is that? In a world full of federal over-stepping into our everyday lives, only one candidate has stood to fight them, and that is Luke Malek. A Representative from Coeur d’ Alene, Malek has fought back on multiple occasions, though the following two are the most important.

June 27, 2018 1 a.m.

BAND: Forget them nots

We thank all people in Coeur d’Alene and surrounding areas who have cheered and sung along with our Perfection-Nots Band in the Fourth of July Parade for the last 40 years. We started it in 1977 for one year and 41 years later we are regretfully retiring as organizers.

February 9, 2018 midnight

SCHOOL: Reminder on roles

According to The Press (Wednesday, Feb. 7), Rep. Don Cheatham, R-Post Falls, has introduced a bill in the Idaho Legislature allowing students to have an excused absence from school to play taps at a military funeral.

November 4, 2018 1 a.m.

DIVIDERS: Make them uniters

I’d like to thank a fellow reader who submitted a letter addressing the problem in our nation currently. John Slaughter, on Oct. 24, voiced the opinion of many free thinkers among us. We should not tolerate those who divide these once united states.

August 16, 2017 1 a.m.

WAYNE: Superior service

It’s not every day that dining out leaves you feeling inspired. That was my experience last weekend, when my family and I visited Red Robin at the Coeur d’Alene location.

Views beneath our toes
February 10, 2017 midnight

Views beneath our toes

“There are other worlds around us. Too often, we pass through them unknowing, seeing but blind, hearing but deaf, touching but not feeling, contained by the limits of our senses, the banality of our imaginations, our Ptolemaic certitudes.” — Hugh Raffles, Insect-opedia.

April 27, 2011 10 p.m.

RURAL: Don't let this happen to you

My family has lived on our South Stateline Road property for more than 30 years. Four years ago we were forced to sell part of the family property for personal reasons. That land was bought by a couple who said all they wanted to do was raise a family in the country. Then, right after they bought it, they announced they wanted to turn the barn into a wedding and special events center. We were shocked and mortified, along with the rest of our neighborhood.

February 12, 2020 midnight

BROOKS: Get to know him

This upcoming May will host a primary election for a number of important and significant positions in our local government. While most of us go about our daily activities trying to ignore all the political signs, the advertisements invading our favorite TV programming and meetings regarding specific candidates, we forget how hard candidates work to gain the trust, support and backing of the voters they represent; not to mention the money and time they spend. Many are running campaigns while working full time and trying to have some semblance of private time with family and friends. It’s a challenging balance.

March 11, 2020 1 a.m.

VIRUS: Calm is the key

We live in abnormal times. It has been a century since the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1919. It is normal for disease to sweep through human communities every few years, killing the old, young, weak and unlucky.

January 8, 2020 midnight

CANCER: Remove this one

After watching days of the impeachment hearings, I still had questions. Recently, I discovered a book entitled “Impeach,” written by a professor of law and former solicitor general, Neal Katyal, which succinctly explains the situation, including a comparison with prior impeachments. For those who also have questions about the case, I highly recommend it.

March 7, 2019 midnight

DALTON: Support the recall

Our City Council, knowingly back in 2012/13 gave our community away in the Transportation Plan adopted by them. I quote the 2013 Transportation Plan Page 15, it’s on the city’s website titled Wilbur Avenue Widening;

December 18, 2019 midnight

HEALTH CARE: Some sick realities

In an article published in November, Mike Baker, CEO of Heritage Health stated, “Our biggest challenge is finding qualified therapists; there’s a real shortage of mental health care professionals in our community. We pretty much hire a therapist every 90 days.”

January 6, 2019 midnight

CONGRESS: Pay to play

Our government has degenerated into a game played by Democrats and Republicans who do not represent Americans. Our Congress is made up mostly of lawyers who, according to Ben Carson, “Have been trained to win at any cost” and it seems even to the loss of our own sovereignty.

November 13, 2019 midnight

FAIRGROUNDS: Recreational, not judicial

As a Coeur d’Alene native, I am frustrated by another attempt by our judicial system to take land for their own purpose, circumventing the approval of this community, just like the jail expansion.

January 25, 2019 midnight

WALL: Buffer against hatred

I have never seen so much hatred in our politicians. Being a conservative and independent, I did not vote for Mr. Obama. Anyone who said he wanted to “fundamentally change America” was not going to get my vote. I had to accept him as our president and wait for the next election to elect someone who put America first and not go around apologizing for what this great country has done for the world.

January 30, 2019 midnight

AMERICANS: Let's make a deal

I read the hatred in the newspaper everyday. I see the violence on TV. I hear the screams of hungry children. I have seen people die because they could not afford health care in this country. There are the cries of homeless men and women. Big companies want to come in and pollute our water, air and land.

January 15, 2023 1 a.m.

TO LEADERS: Three messages

Dear President Trump, You had a good run. In many ways, great. I voted for you twice even though your ego and lack of self-awareness bugged the crap out of me. Surprisingly, with unprecedented opposition, you actually accomplished most of the things you promised. I thank you. I would now thank you to step aside and let someone else carry the torch. You are too divisive.

August 11, 2023 1 a.m.

TOURISM: North Idaho families tired of negative impacts

The Coeur d’Alene Press gives a one-sided view of tourism in North Idaho, as if were all unicorns and rainbows, with no downsides. Well here’s a little secret for the editors: Most working families in North Idaho are sick of tourism, and struggle with its negative impacts on a daily basis.

June 24, 2022 1 a.m.

JAN. 6 HEARINGS: Truth is not partisan

I sincerely hope that Americans are listening to the Jan. 6 Committee hearings, or at least getting evening recaps on the proceedings. This is basic American civics — to keep informed with issues so vital to our democracy and its future.

August 25, 2021 1 a.m.

BUILDER: Request from neighbors

To the builder who has plans to build the Corbin Meadow Subdivision in Post Falls, we have a request.