Friday, July 26, 2024


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Letters to the Editor

Letters Policy. The Press encourages letters as a means for readers to share opinions and feedback about local and regional news and events. However, letters will not be published if they include profane, obscene language or if they promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Letters must not exceed 275 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime phone number (not for publication) or they will not be published. Please submit letters to:, or mail to Readers Write, The Press, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
FIREWORKS: Enough is enough

Rat tat tat tat … BOOM!

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
ELECTORAL COLLEGE: It gives Idaho a voice

Some are advocating for the elimination of the Electoral College and want to adopt the popular vote when determining the winner of a presidential election. At first, the popular vote, where the candidate with the m…

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
WORRIES: ‘Worlds in Collision’

Ancient-languages scholar Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979), wrote, “Worlds in Collision” (1950). It was a Best Seller.

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
HATE SPEECH: Ordinance is a virtue signal

Is the city on the verge of charging Joe Biden for his hate crimes? He hates Trump. At least that’s his rhetoric. Fascist, racist, dictator and nazi are just some of the hate words spewed by the left political worl…

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
HARRIS: High time for a woman president

I’ve been thinking that it’s high time for a woman president in our country. Hillary Clinton came close to it in 2020, getting more popular votes than Trump, and now Kamala Harris is very capable of fulfilling that…

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
FAIRGROUNDS: Time for them to move

I’d say no, their use is obsolete for the site. Give them a 10-year renewal which should be sufficient to secure a more suitable, less valuable site.

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
TRUMP: Bad outcomes if elected

If Trump gets elected, lock up your kids, bolt your doors, arm yourself.

Updated 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
PRESIDENTS: Characteristics of the best

The United States has had 46 presidents since George Washington took office in 1789. With presidential elections coming up soon, it is wise to go back in time and document the positive characteristics of the best p…

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
DUCKS: Let people own them

More people are trying to be environmentally conscious and self-sustaining. That’s why some people have chickens. I have no problem with people having chickens; ducks are a better alternative.

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
DUCKS: Let him keep the animals

So a duck is worse than a chicken? And it will take the city of Coeur d’Alene three months to figure that out?

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
PROJECT 2025: Bad for farms

Farmers and ranchers should know about Project 2025, especially Chapter 10’s plans for U.S. Agriculture. The reforms to farm subsidies include eliminating Agriculture Risk Coverage, Price Loss Coverage, and cutting…

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
DISSENT: It’s crucial for democracy

In a letter to the editor published on July 17, Suzanne Kearney labeled us, Michelle Lippert, Pat Raffee and Theresa Birkett as “critical curmudgeons.” Initially, we found this amusing, but upon reflection, we saw …

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
TRUMP: Pierced ear joke not funny

Steve Kelley’s political cartoons usually provide a good chuckle when they appear on your Opinion page. My chuckle turned to disgust on Wednesday, June 17.

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
AGGRESSIVE DOG: City shows no concern

We unfortunately lost our beloved pet yesterday due to an aggressive next-door dog that entered our property and took the life of our little Luna. She passed in my wife’s arms on the way to emergency.

Updated 2 days, 16 hours ago
HANDICAP: Keep things more accessible

I am writing in response to the article entitled “Misuse of Spokane River Ramp May Force Removal.” I can relate to the frustrations of Ms. Burdett, who is wheelchair bound, when everyone but the mobility impaired a…