Guest Op-Eds
From time to time the Coeur d'Alene Press publishes guest opinions as op-eds (opposite the editorial page) in the print edition. These guest op-eds are accepted for consideration from business, government or community organization leaders, current or former elected officials, and Idaho syndicated and Kootenai County local opinion writers we have agreements with. For consideration, submit to
OPINION: The chickens and the eggs
This week, a legislative committee held a hearing on a bill that would have allowed more Idaho families to raise b…
OPINION: Fiscal responsibility means doing the work
“In these times of economic uncertainty and political distrust, it’s easy to fall into the trap of reflexively saying "no" to every dollar spent. After all, the federal government is drowning in debt, and many Idah…
OPINION: Bold and collaborative approaches are needed to solve Idaho’s physician shortage
Idahoans are increasingly aware that Idaho ranks last in the nation in physicians per capita, and that our acute and growing shortage of physicians and limited access to medical care leads to sicker and less health…
OPINION: My favorite legislative town halls
Though I am now retired, during my 8 years in the Idaho Senate serving the Coeur d’Alene area, I participated in close to 30 public Town Halls events. I loved …
OPINION: These politicians are not looking out for you
If you think Idaho politicians are looking out for you by pulling a requirement that they publish public notices with the state’s independent newspapers, we’ve got some Florida swamp land to sell you.
OPINION: A letter to the governor from Idaho public school superintendents
On January 6th, you delivered a strong message to our citizens and to our legislators that “doing things right” in Idaho starts with “KEEPING PROMISES.” You delivered a clear and unequivocal statement that expandin…
OPINION: The catastrophic impact of Medicaid expansion repeal on our community and health care system
As discussions swirl around the potential repeal of Medicaid expansion in Idaho, it’s essential to take a step back and consider the devastating effects such a…
OPINION: Idahoans deserve more freedom, not less
The will of the people is clear: we want more freedom, not less. The federal government ought to keep up.
OPINION: Turning point's impact on young adult engagement
Two weekends ago, the energy inside the Phoenix Convention Center was electrifying. I had the privilege of joining fellow Idahoans at Turning Point’s 2024 Amer…
OPINION: Idaho lawmakers should make it easier for citizens to participate during the session
Ready or not Idaho’s 2025 Legislative Session starts on January 6. Many important policies will be considered ranging from education choice to tax reform. There will also likely be a surprise or two. It is of param…
OPINION: Republicans start taking directions from Elon Musk
Until last week’s budget debacle, Elon Musk was a warm-up act for President-elect Donald Trump.
OPINION: Idaho’s role in preserving the Electoral College
Tuesday, Dec. 17, marked a historic day at the Idaho State Capitol, as the state’s four electors cast their votes for the president and vice president of the U…
OPINION: Protecting Idaho’s business community from federal overreach
In Idaho, we take immense pride in being the least regulated state in the nation, which has led to unprecedented economic growth and job creation. The federal …
OPINION: Bible in schools
If you’ve been reading local Idaho newspapers lately, you might be under the impression that everyone thinks reintroducing Bible reading in public schools is outrageous.
OPINION: There are too few protections for individual privacy in the artificial intelligence marketplace
We find ourselves in uncertain times regarding the continual development of machine learning technology. Artificial intelligence and its applications have come a long way in an extraordinarily short time. As it sta…