Friday, October 11, 2024

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September 25, 2016 9 p.m.

MILAN: An education champion

Many of my friends and neighbors bemoan the state of the public education system in Idaho. They point out our dismal national ratings, especially in the areas of early childhood education and per pupil spending, and the flight of qualified teachers to neighboring states. We all know that we have underfunded education in Idaho for years.

November 8, 2013 8 p.m.

SCHOOLS: Return taxpayer dollars

Hold on before you divide up all the “extra” school funds! We, the people and YOUR neighbors, who are underemployed, formerly retired and going back to work, facing exponential health insurance premiums, increasingly levied and taxed and selling our possessions to buy food, are tired of robbing what little savings we have, that is our home values, to pay “desperate levies” and “emergency levies” only to find out that 89 percent of the levies go to salaries and there was no emergency, only an insistence of receiving more pay. After you REDUCE our levies, teach at least five hours per day, and accept similar medical insurance that your neighbors have, should we yield the extra funds.

February 15, 2015 8 p.m.

SLOTS: Not in our back yard

When I began my work as Sheriff in 1977, there was open prostitution and gambling in Kootenai County. Seeing the effects these illegal activities had on the community and families, my office made it a priority to shut them down.

June 10, 2015 9 p.m.

VETS: Lunch is happily served

The 2015, 7th annual Vernon Baker Memorial Day Free Lunch for Veterans was a huge success, with 142 veterans receiving a free meal at one of the three North Idaho Capone’s Locations, Mid City Pub, Michael D’s Eatery or the Fourth Street Taco Time. A huge THANK YOU to these restaurants for their great generosity, to our volunteers Patti Leach and VFW Post 889, and to our generous donors Eric Soles and Dick and Shirlee Wandrocke, and the Coeur d’Alene Press for getting the word out. It is great to see so many good people receive a free meal, on a day that should be about them, in the memory of our own Vernon Baker.

December 23, 2015 8 p.m.

MOTHERS: Thanks for vets' help

The local chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America would like to thank Bardenay restaurant for supporting our local troops. They donated some of the proceeds from Monday night’s meals to our organization. That money goes toward sending care packages to local soldiers who are deployed. We also lend support to our local Veteran organizations. The restaurant allowed us to set up a table by the front door with a small display showing what the Blue Star Moms are about. Peter and the staff were very kind to us and we spoke to many generous patrons. Again, thank you to Bardenay and their patrons for their generosity. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

August 16, 2015 9 p.m.

THANKS: More than clean cars

I would just like to take a moment and thank the people who own and manage the Car Wash Plazas in Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls. Every Saturday they offer the use of their facility for three hours to local sports teams, band clubs, cheerleaders and basically any club trying to raise money. I know that the generous use of your facilities is taking money out of your pockets while providing a venue for the kids in our community to work and actually earn money for their clubs’ needs. I just wanted to say thank you; your kindness has been much appreciated by our family and the many car washes we have attended for our kids’ events over the years.

October 10, 2018 1 a.m.

AMADOR: For Idaho House

The people of Coeur d’Alene are lucky to have the chance to reelect Paul Amador in the upcoming election. Paul is a candidate of great character, strong leadership and thoughtful decision-making.

March 11, 2018 midnight

BOARDS: What she said

Sholeh Patrick’s March 6 article regarding the standard of care required by members of nonprofit boards that serve our community was an outstanding and timely summary of what we should expect and require.

February 2, 2018 midnight

SOTU: Story was slanted

As a person who strongly supports our president, AND as a faithful Press subscriber, I feel obligated to express my upset when The Press chooses to publish stories that are obviously antagonistic of our president. The front-page story about the State of the Union address was obviously biased, and I think the printing of it (which doesn’t even come from our own writers at The Press) shows a lack of acknowledgment that many of the readers of The Press are supporters of Donald Trump. I feel it promotes more dis-unity, of which we already have enough.

March 11, 2018 midnight

SCHOOLS: Paying for protection

This week the school board is meeting to discuss school security. I’m wondering if Coeur d’Alene’s mayor and police chief are going to be there? And, maybe the Kootenai County sheriff should attend also. The last time I checked, our schools were within their jurisdiction.

January 17, 2021 1 a.m.

JAN. 6: Hold all accountable

To prevent another leader of our country from trying to be an autocrat or dictator, Donald Trump must be held accountable for his actions, whether through impeachment, the 25th Amendment or under Section 2384, the Seditious Conspiracy law.

March 3, 2021 1 a.m.

DINNER: Last laughs — and thanks

One recent evening three of my friends and I were dining at Applebee’s.

February 27, 2019 midnight

CHART: Antidotes for lemmings

Last week’s opinion pages contained nearly unanimous content regarding Vanessa Otero’s previously published “chart.” Agree or disagree with it, may it serve as a tipping point for us all to observe our own search for the truth. Are we using the same sources (or single source) and never questioning content or possible bias?

March 8, 2019 midnight

RECALL: Reject misinformation

As residents of Dalton Gardens, we feel compelled to weigh in on the current recall fiasco that is causing division in our normally calm town.

March 8, 2019 midnight

LAKELAND: A great investment

This coming Tuesday, we have the opportunity to continue the excellent educational programs provided to our children by the Lakeland School District.

January 4, 2019 midnight

MATTIS: Suddenly a hero

The Left, almost always against our military, has now embraced General Mattis because of his resignation from President Trump’s Administration. Never mind that the Left has been against us sending troops into the Middle East ever since Muslim terrorists attacked us 17 years ago. Now suddenly, the Democrats want us to stay and fight only because President Trump is tired of our troops being butchered in an endless war.

June 24, 2022 1 a.m.

CLIMATE CHANGE: More reporting needed

As a worried mother I believe the people need to know about the effects of the climate crisis so we can all collectively become aware and make a difference for our children.

October 28, 2021 1 a.m.

SOCIAL WORKERS: Serve and vote

SOCIAL WORKERS: Serve and vote

Home for the holidays: 32nd Festival of Trees going virtual
September 30, 2020 1 a.m.

Home for the holidays: 32nd Festival of Trees going virtual

Another big event is going virtual.