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Exploring common types of feline mange
January 20, 2024 1 a.m.

Exploring common types of feline mange

Mange is a skin disease that can compromise a pet’s well-being, leading to discomfort and potential health complications. Though it is a more common condition for dogs, cats can also be at risk, which is why owners should familiarize themselves with common varieties of feline mange.

Recognizing when your pig has a skin condition
August 12, 2023 1 a.m.

Recognizing when your pig has a skin condition

As the summer heat continues to simmer, the risk of painful sunburns continues to be a concern as well. This is true for humans but also for animals like pigs, whose skin not only closely resembles that of humans but is more sensitive to dermatological diseases.

Fernan celebrates STEM night, funding for greenhouse project
May 26, 2023 1 a.m.

Fernan celebrates STEM night, funding for greenhouse project

Fernan STEM Academy welcomed over 400 visitors May 18 during its Health and Safety STEM night. Students who entered the building were given Fernan lab coats to wear as they explored a variety of topics relating to health and safety, including CPR, first aid, physical therapy and fitness, phlebotomy, pulmonary and respiratory systems, germs, medical entomology and dental health.

Creating a disaster preparedness plan for your pets
August 26, 2023 1 a.m.

Creating a disaster preparedness plan for your pets

Recently, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced a wildfire disaster declaration for about 75% of the state’s counties and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also released an updated hurricane season outlook that includes a 70% chance of 14-21 named storms before the season ends in November.

October 11, 2023 1 a.m.

NORRIS: ‘I’ll trust the sheriff’

Regarding the Oct. 5 My Turn open letter to our sheriff, we are all products of our education, training and experience. Sometimes experiences such as the author describes. I have worked a lifetime in emergency services as a firefighter/paramedic and treated rape patients from under 1 year old to octogenarian, so am not unfamiliar with violence. I am also a grandparent so share concerns about what is available to our kids, regardless of source.

OPINION: The KCRCC/IFF: A pig’s tale
May 10, 2023 1 a.m.

OPINION: The KCRCC/IFF: A pig’s tale

The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) and its conjoined twin, the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), remind me of the pigs in George Orwell’s prophetic novel, "Animal Farm."

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — How to naturally treat eczema and psoriasis
August 9, 2023 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — How to naturally treat eczema and psoriasis

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a red, itchy rash that affects up to 30 million Americans, many of whom are children. Ranging in severity from mild, slightly itchy dry patches in small, isolated areas, to angry, inflamed rashes covering large portions of the body, eczema can make a person anywhere from annoyed to miserable. People with eczema also frequently suffer from asthma and allergies, and although conventional medicine considers eczema to have “no known cause,” there is growing evidence that it is an autoimmune condition.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — How to naturally treat eczema and psoriasis
August 2, 2023 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — How to naturally treat eczema and psoriasis

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a red, itchy rash that affects up to 30 million Americans, many of whom are children. Ranging in severity from mild, slightly itchy dry patches in small, isolated areas, to angry, inflamed rashes covering large portions of the body, eczema can make a person anywhere from annoyed to miserable. People with eczema also frequently suffer from asthma and allergies, and although conventional medicine considers eczema to have “no known cause,” there is growing evidence that it is an autoimmune condition.

How to help your cat breathe easy with feline asthma
April 27, 2024 1 a.m.

How to help your cat breathe easy with feline asthma

Spring is often described as a time of renewal and beauty, with flowers blooming and trees budding. However, spring flowers and budding trees also cause higher pollen counts, and for those with asthma, higher pollen counts can bring a greater risk of an asthma attack.

September 24, 2023 1 a.m.

Cd'A Chamber, NIC, Kootenai Health to host forums

Discussions aimed at bringing community together

The forums are aimed at bringing the North Idaho community together for discussions on topics affecting the region.

September 6, 2023 1 a.m.

Free resilience training Sept. 15, 16 at NIC

The Strengthening Families Coalition will provide free resilience training at North Idaho College from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 15 and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept 16.

Offering spoiled food no way to spoil your pet
July 8, 2023 1 a.m.

Offering spoiled food no way to spoil your pet

People may choose to eat foods past their expiration date, as long as the food looks and smells good, but that doesn’t mean this practice is safe for pet food. Ensuring pet food is suitable to eat is the first step to preventing your dog or cat from becoming ill.

How does organ donation fit into estate planning?
September 24, 2023 1 a.m.

How does organ donation fit into estate planning?

There are several things I think we should all understand about how Idaho law addresses the issue of organ donation and how we can use our estate planning documents to help make sure our wishes on this topic are followed.

Organ donation and estate planning
June 18, 2023 1 a.m.

Organ donation and estate planning

There are several things I think we should all understand about how Idaho law addresses the issue of organ donation and how we can use our estate planning documents to help make sure our wishes on this topic are followed.

April 20, 2024 1 a.m.

KEA sets first 'North Idaho Green Summit'

Topics will include sustainable foods systems, renewable energy, climate adaptation, aquifer protection, responsible recreation, climate change and waste management.

Labor market webinars begin Tuesday
January 6, 2024 1 a.m.

Labor market webinars begin Tuesday

The Idaho Department of Labor's 2024 labor market webinar series begins Tuesday.

Abi's Ice Cream launches cool cookbook
June 2, 2023 1 a.m.

Abi's Ice Cream launches cool cookbook

Author and former owner of Abi’s Ice Cream Maren Scoggins and her family will celebrate the launch of her new cookbook, "Abi's Ice Cream: The Cookbook" featuring 44 fan-favorite flavors, from 6-8 p.m. Sunday at the Art Spirit Gallery in downtown Coeur d’Alene.