Wednesday, October 09, 2024

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November 11, 2016 8 p.m.

CHURCH: Speak freely, please

By the time this letter is published the election will be over and it should be decided who our president-elect is. However, I would still like to address Ms. Holmes’ concern about the church and politics.

May 21, 2014 10:38 p.m.

WATER: Annual event helps raise awareness

Each year local students are invited to Water Awareness Week sponsored by the Coeur d’Alene Tribe. This event is a phenomenal field trip provided to raise awareness of our connections to the environment and history of our area. The Natural Resources Education and Outreach Specialist Staff bring together experts from Tribal Fisheries, Forestry, Wildlife, Lake Management and Culture/Language, with tribal community members to provide hands-on, practical learning at the edge of Lake Creek.

August 8, 2014 9 p.m.

MARINE: We must get behind him

Enough! I have heard enough in the news about the marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. He has been held in a Mexican jail since March 31 for an accidental crossing into Mexico with guns in his possession. It was clearly an accident especially in his confused state of post traumatic stress disorder — there was no criminal intent. This could have happened to a member of our own family, or to you, in fact.

April 23, 2014 9 p.m.

Cd'A: Of parks and puzzling priorities

Manicured sidewalks blend into perfectly spaced trees. The famous Centennial Trail cleverly winds around over-priced shops and restaurants for bicyclists and connoisseurs of northwestern scenery. A large blue lake and an open cool sky hide behind newly erected part-time condos. Our narrow roads will appeal to your sense of adventure as they crumble and crack, stretching into dense residential and commercial districts. Here our teachers buy their own books, and our classrooms are filled to the brim.

October 31, 2014 10:12 p.m.

EDUCATION: Key to Idaho's future

Sholeh Patrick’s “Without Education, Democracy Can’t Survive” was a soothing breath of fresh air as I experience my first election season as an Idaho resident. Our most conservative candidates invoke the Constitution and preach Patriotism, while they insinuate that efforts to improve Idaho’s education record is Marxist “group think.” That attitude, if it prevails, will be the end of democracy in this great nation.

March 5, 2017 midnight

SCHOOLS: Promises kept

On March 14, voters will have the opportunity to make our strong Coeur d’Alene School District even stronger. I urge you to vote yes twice — for the levy and for the bond. Reasons abound, not the least of which is we can do this right now, together, without raising current tax rates. This unique situation is a win-win for our students and community!

November 12, 2017 midnight

DEMOCRATS: Trump's your fault

To ensure our freedoms and protect our civil rights, Americans must maintain a legitimate and democratically elected government that is responsive and accountable to its citizens. And it is through our free and fair election process that we ensure that legitimacy and promote peaceful, democratic political transformations.

No headline
April 25, 2017 1 a.m.

No headline

Gisela Wallace, 79

March 24, 2017 1 a.m.

POLITICIANS: Perpetuate problems

Our politicians excuse themselves from failing to accomplish much by playing their blame games and denigrating all opposition. They have created hopeless divisions amongst themselves which have evidently spread to us. We have bought into their mean-spirited oversimplifications and impulsively taken sides. Now we accuse and denigrate each other.

October 22, 2017 1 a.m.

DEER: IDFG letdowns

My heart aches for poor Baby and those who loved her, the deer shot and eventually killed by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game in St. Maries. In Idaho, we live among the deer and though we don’t welcome them eating our flowers and getting into our gardens it is a small price to pay for our rural lifestyle. We chose to live in their territory and need to respect that.

February 2, 2021 1 a.m.

North Idaho State Fair to announce lineup next week

North Idaho State Fair to announced entertainment lineup next week

November 14, 2010 9 p.m.

ECONOMY: Buy American goods

In support of Mr. Cliff Bowman's letter Nov. 10, I'd like to stress how important it is for us to buy and insist on American products. Our politicians won't do a thing to help this situation since the Asian countries spend millions of dollars in lobbying efforts to stop any kind of tariff put on the foreign goods. We as Americans must do that on our own.

January 24, 2020 midnight

TRUMP: History on his side

In response to R.H. Duffield’s letter, “Trump: Past is Best Predictor.”

September 29, 2019 1 a.m.

HAYDEN: Support more deputies

As a resident of Kootenai County for more than 44 years and a resident in the Hayden area for the majority of that time, I’ve firsthand experienced the growth in our region. The city of Hayden has always been a bedroom community. Even with the 95 corridor retail growth and the location of many other businesses, my wife and I own three businesses located in Hayden. Hayden is primarily the place where people live, raise their children, recreate and retire to. Accordingly, people want to and deserve to feel and be safe in their neighborhoods.

November 15, 2019 midnight

MEDICAID: A state of disgrace

It is a disgrace that our “do nothing” Idaho state lawmakers ignored citizens who needed health care for many years. Because of their years of inaction, we the people had to take matters into our own hands to get things done.

October 30, 2019 1 a.m.

ROETTER: Reasons for support

Would you please consider voting for Matt Roetter’s second term on the Hayden City Council? Matt is very involved in our Hayden community. Matt and Karen have lived in Hayden for 38 years and their three daughters attended our local schools.

November 1, 2019 1 a.m.

HAYDEN: 'Yes' on safety levy

Each citizen of this wonderful United States of America has the opportunity to be free to choose. We are free to write, say or do, according to our opinions. When we meet established qualifications, we have the right to vote our conscience in a free election. I believe each of us holds those freedoms to be sacred, and worthy of our utmost protection. Hundreds of thousands of our citizens gave their lives to protect those freedoms and liberties.

May 3, 2023 1 a.m.

DART announces candidate, levy endorsements

DART, Democrats and Republicans Together, released its candidate and levy endorsements for the May 16 elections.

January 29, 2023 1 a.m.

WHY?: Many questions

Why would we allow China to buy ANY property within the U.S. — period?!

September 2, 2021 1 a.m.

Witherspoon Kelley acquires Yakima law firm

Firm Expands to Serve Clients throughout Eastern and Central Washington, North Idaho