Monday, October 07, 2024

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April 22, 2018 1 a.m.

SEPARATE: Politics and business

When we originally contacted Allstate to insure our home and our vehicles, we weren’t asked our political affiliation, nor did we ask the political affiliation of the corporate officers or of our agent. So, why in the name of heaven did Allstate make a political decision based on what a teenager thinks? This individual has very little, if any, life experience and has probably never had a full time job.

February 15, 2017 midnight

SCHOOLS: Show your support

As a mom of two girls attending schools in the Coeur d’Alene School District, I am so grateful for what the schools do everyday. As a teacher, I am proud to work alongside such dedicated educators.

July 17, 2011 10 p.m.

HYDRA: Stop talking and start chopping

Greek Mythology holds a stark lesson for us (U.S.) today. Hydra, the multi-headed serpentine monster, lives today in the form of our federal government. Here are a few interesting facets of Hydra that should scare the daylights out of all of us: 1) Each serpent never sleeps and eats all the time, demanding more and more as it grows; 2) When one head is cut off, it is replaced by two, ever expanding its appetite at a compounding rate (a good thing when investing, but disastrous when applied to spending); 3) Once the monster had eaten everything in sight (our tax dollars), it will begin to eat itself; 4) Hydra was eventually decapitated by Hercules.

June has plenty of excuses to celebrate
May 26, 2018 1 a.m.

June has plenty of excuses to celebrate

June always makes me think of celebrations. Graduation parties, wedding receptions, parades and festivals. As I look at my calendar, it confirms my thoughts, and I must admit I love a good reason to celebrate!

October 13, 2019 1 a.m.

WOOD: Continue exemplary service

I’m supporting Christie Wood for Coeur d’Alene City Council Seat 1 for numerous reasons, but most important to me is her experience in local schools. Our community’s growth and overcrowded schools is a shared concern.

January 16, 2019 midnight

GOOKIN: Be good sport

Our American Republic demands high standards of both citizens and their elected officials. One duty of citizenship is to respect the legitimacy of the electoral process, recognizing that in our system the moral right to rule comes from the consent of the governed. Civic virtue demands a period of healing after the partisan combat of the campaign. In this “honeymoon period,” we all are called to come together as Americans and recognize that whatever divides us is less significant than what unites us. We are supposed to wish the newly elected officials the very best of fortune in bearing our shared trust to manage our public business.

December 1, 2023 1 a.m.

GRISSOM, THOMPSON: Good for Lakeland students and parents

Election day has come and gone and that warrants some reflection. As a mom of three in the Lakeland School District, the election of our school board trustees had my attention. What direction would voters want our community headed in? In 2019, Ramona Grissom and Michelle Thompson were elected. During their four years on the school board, these two trustees helped to re-open the schools in the fall of 2020 without face masks, worked to keep our schools focused on education and advocated for parental rights.

June 28, 2024 1 a.m.

FUTURE OF THE FAIR: Please attend town hall

There is nothing more important to me right now than making sure our fairgrounds remain in their current location and we, as a community, can plan for its future. Our fairgrounds are a North Idaho Gem for sure, and the events held each week throughout the year are extremely important to our economy and community.

March 27, 2020 1 a.m.

CONGRESS: Medical independence needed

I would like to know what our congressional legislators have to say about making America medically independent. More importantly, what legislation are they going to propose to return manufacturing of our critical infrastructure items to the USA? Medical supplies, equipment and medicines are produced in, you guessed it, China. Ninety-eight percent of America’s medicine is produced in China. Planet Earth is on lockdown and it all originated in China. To save face they blamed our country for their virus and demanded an apology or withhold pharmaceuticals and other critical supplies.

November 13, 2013 9:11 p.m.

ROLLER: It's hot local news, too

I am writing in response to the AP story on Roller Derby published on the front of FIT for Life on Nov. 9. As a current member of Coeur d’Alene’s local derby team, Snake Pit Derby Dames (SPDD), I love seeing the sport of derby receiving national attention. However, I am very disappointed our local paper chose to run an AP story rather than scooping on the sport in our area.

February 6, 2013 8 p.m.

GUNS: In defense of Constitution

Nearly every news organization as well as the White House, Obama, his press secretary and liberals express outrage that no one needs a firearm that shoots more than seven to 10 bullets to shoot a deer. That is the arrogance and ignorance of our (deer) politicians that while exempting themselves pass laws to restrict ours.

March 24, 2010 1:35 p.m.

OTTER: Health stance isn't legit

Dear Gov. Otter: The grandstanding performance last week on your signing into law an act of defiance against the federal government is just another example of how the Idaho State House and its leaders waste time and money to benefit their own agendas instead of attending to the more important businss of the people of Idaho.

May 7, 2010 9 p.m.

Avista Corp. earns $28.8 million

Avista Corp. reported net income of $28.8 million, or 52 cents per diluted share, for the first quarter of 2010, compared to $31 million, or 57 cents per diluted share, for the first quarter of 2009.

January 6, 2012 8 p.m.

FORGIVEN: But thefts not forgotten

To the person who broke into our house and robbed us the day after Christmas: WE FORGIVE YOU AND TAKE BACK OUR POWER TO FEEL SAFE IN OUR HOME AND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

October 6, 2012 9:15 p.m.

PYP: Specific evils missing

Unbelievably our school board, whose mission should be to encourage and enlighten our students, has chosen to inhibit the free flow of ideas. The quotes that have come from some of the critics and our school board members are truly stunning.

August 8, 2014 9 p.m.

PARKING: Honest error is punished

My husband and I went downtown to meet some old friends for dinner at the Iron Horse on Friday, July 25. We went through the Iron Horse parking lot, but it was full. We were running late and went further down Lakeside and finally pulled into the Republic Parking lot. We found the payment receptacle and put in our cash and tapped in our space number. I was in such a hurry and put the receipt in my purse, thinking that since I had put in our space number that it was recorded, not even noticing that it said to put it in your car window.

March 2, 2018 midnight

SCHOOL: Took a village

I wish to thank the community of Hayden as well as the Coeur d’Alene School Board of Trustees for their support of the work we do at the newly established Northwest Expedition Academy. Here at NExA, we do things differently, from Project Based Learning and classroom expeditions to a full inclusion model for our diverse learners. From the ground up, our staff has built a school in a model that exemplifies what we know is best for children.

May 14, 2017 1 a.m.

HEALTH: Americans first

I was shocked to hear that it cost $360,000 a year for the medication to keep one child in our community, 9-year-old Brady Schroeder, alive! Nonetheless, helping those who cannot help themselves is the very definition of humanity. Letting the sick and injured simply die would have kept us from ever developing our amazing medical technologies in the first place!

December 29, 2017 midnight

MEDICAID: Expansion mandate

Medicaid Expansion is crucial for our state and I believe the only way we can finally get 78,000 Idahoans covered is by getting it on the ballot in 2018.