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Letters to the Editor
Letters Policy. The Press encourages letters as a means for readers to share opinions and feedback about local and regional news and events. However, letters will not be published if they include profane, obscene language or if they promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Letters must not exceed 275 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime phone number (not for publication) or they will not be published. Please submit letters to:, or mail to Readers Write, The Press, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.
SHERMAN AVENUE: Imagine the future
Can you imagine Sherman Avenue 10 years from now? For instance, 18-story high-rises lining both sides of the street allowed because of the present city and building zoning regulations. No more two- and three-story …
SOCIAL UNREST: Tolerance needed
In light of all the racial divide in the world today, social unrest and lack of understanding in our communities of the vast differences we all have as to religion, social interaction and normal day to day activiti…
BIDEN: Administration ‘a disaster’
Moody’s economic analytics state that since Biden took office in 2021 average Americans, due to increased energy, housing and food prices, are now in 2024 spending $1,020 more a month than they were in 2020. Food p…
NIC BOARD MAJORITY: Making frivolous decisions
Frivolous, as defined by the dictionary “not having any serious purpose or value.” Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner, the three KCRCC rated and vetted elected trustees who are currently the majority on the NIC board …
NIC BOARD MAJORITY: Politics before principles
The endless disregard for the rights and liberties of Idaho residents imposed by the authoritarian faction of the Idaho GOP needs constant monitoring and exposure.
REMOTE TESTIMONY: Voices should count, too
The Idaho legislature is again in full swing, and many Idahoans want to testify. Remote testimony is available, especially for those of us who reside in the North. Sign up, but beware, if it is an issue coming befo…
HOMELAND SECURITY: Resources should be re-deployed
Another New Year is upon us with baggage from the previous years to address. We have the president talking to the corrupt Mexican president about our current problem with migrants.
CAUCUS: Takes away our voice
Seriously. I don’t want to caucus. I want to vote. I am in the county with a Harrison address and have to caucus (what the H is that?) at the Carlin Bay Grange.
WINDER: ‘Stop blaming women’
Sometimes, it is hard to believe what comes out of legislators’ mouths! Senator Chuck Winder (R) recently argued that women are doing the nation a disservice by not producing enough kids for the workforce. Blaming …
QUOTING HITLER: Contradicts bravery of WWII veterans
I really appreciated a commentator’s recent article about her repulsion at people quoting Hitler. As the daughter of a World War II veteran, I couldn’t agree more with her sentiments. What is particularly ironic is…
CLIMATE CHANGE: ‘A tool to control masses’
Creationist or evolutionist, we can all agree that Earth is very old. Geologists and paleontologists have found that Earth’s average temperature has fluctuated wildly, ranging the from mid-50s to 95+ degrees. Since…
#FED UP IDAHO: ‘That is me’
Two different notices got my attention on Jan. 12. One was a notice from Avista stating, “As a natural gas customer, we ask you to conserve gas for the next 24 hours. There is a mechanical issue with a natural gas …
LOKKEN: Repeats a debunked lie
JoAnn Lokken’s recent letter can’t go unanswered. She repeats the thoroughly debunked lie that a performer at a recent Pride in the Park exposed their genitals in public. I have seen the undoctored video of the per…
PLASTIC: Better in the landfill
A couple of years ago I quit putting plastic in my recycle bin. This was after reading about the “Maga Island” of mostly plastic in the Pacific Ocean. It’s now three times the size of France, the contents of which …
RATED AND VETTED: Means ‘Because I said so’
Because I said so was my Mom’s reply to why I needed to do a task. It was expedient. She didn’t want to explain, she needed compliance. As I grew older, mom stopped saying it because honest, accurate information sh…