Friday, July 26, 2024


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Letters to the Editor

Letters Policy. The Press encourages letters as a means for readers to share opinions and feedback about local and regional news and events. However, letters will not be published if they include profane, obscene language or if they promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Letters must not exceed 275 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime phone number (not for publication) or they will not be published. Please submit letters to:, or mail to Readers Write, The Press, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.

Updated 2 days, 15 hours ago
BIDEN: He had more than a cold

The response by Ms. Ford has so much misinformation it is a shame it was printed.

Updated 5 days, 15 hours ago
DEMOCRATS: Practice civility before lecturing others

By God’s grace, history is shaped. Human free will plays a role, but there are certain moments where I believe that divine providence intervenes. The driver of Franz Ferdinand’s motorcade took a wrong turn towards …

Updated 5 days, 15 hours ago
GUN VIOLENCE: Elected officials should take it seriously

Does anyone else find it disturbing that all our politicians are up in arms about there being no place in politics for violence? How about there is no place in our COUNTRY for violence? They were appropriately appa…

Updated 5 days, 15 hours ago
HIGHER EDUCATION: Lack of funding means China will win

I realize this AP article is intended as a fire starter. It is a dangerous shift when the advanced education of our populace is strangled by ignorance and politics. Other less wealthy nations like India, Turkey and…

Updated 5 days, 15 hours ago
VANCE: Who is this bearded man?

Like many people, I did not know who Mr. Trump’s V.P. was. I know Mr. Trump said he should be someone who could step in to be the next President, should something happen to him. Wikipedia here I went.

Updated 5 days, 15 hours ago
PARASAILING: Veteran’s dream comes true

Today, I was pleased to accompany Jim Waddell from Post Falls on an excursion with CDA Parasail. Jim has been dreaming about this for over one year. Today his dreams came true. One of the souvenirs he got stated: “…

Updated 1 week ago
CAMERAS: Ticket the people running red lights

Isn’t it about time we install cameras at major intersections and fine the careless red-light runners?

Updated 1 week ago
OPEN PRIMARIES: Many Republicans support them

One person, one vote. Except in Idaho where the Idaho Freedom Foundation controlled Republican Party tells you to vote for people they have screened and selected. The voters don’t even get to see or talk to other p…

Updated 1 week ago
OPEN PRIMARIES: Party should select candidates

Politics in America have always been contentious. An 1804 political ad read, “Down with the Tories…before they…enslave you…reducing your families to distress through taxation…”

Updated 1 week ago
LIBRARIES: Situations reminds me of song lyrics

Pat Raffee’s My Turn column, “CLN Decisions and Finances Being Hidden from the Public,” plus numerous letters to the editor regarding current board actions, brought to mind the lyrics from the 1996 song by Rage Aga…

Updated 1 week ago
PRESCRIPTIONS: Lower costs are better

There is a bill working its way through the U.S. Congress called the SMART Prices Act (S.1246). This legislation would boost Medicare prescription drug price negotiation by enhancing the Centers for Medicare & Medi…

Updated 1 week ago
PRESCRIPTIONS: Who exactly are Seniors for Better Care?

Our freedoms in this country are essential for Democracy to survive. Freedom of the press is enumerated first in our Bill of Rights. It is so placed because it was viewed as so very important. As with all rights ea…

Updated 1 week ago
TERM LIMITS: Time for younger candidates

Our political system is in total discourse. We need political term limits which will produce young politicians with young ideas to run the country.

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
SENIOR CENTER: Please consider providing support

Are we the forgotten generation — the senior citizens of Hayden and surrounding area? Trying to get sponsors or raise funds for the Hayden Senior Center has been an almost futile effort. But a BIG thank you to thos…

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
FIREWORKS: Time to step up enforcement

We agree with Kathy Eshoo! This same war was all around Post Falls. I have lived here for 84 years. This was the worst Fourth of July I’ve ever seen.