Friday, October 11, 2024

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December 2, 2011 8 p.m.

A curmudgeon's swan song

It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of newspaper columnist and "60 Minutes" commentator Andy Rooney last month.

July 2, 2010 9 p.m.

Tribute to outspoken Americans

During this Fourth of July weekend, we would like to offer the following, as an example of an "American Hero."Tom Akren, whom most will recognize by his many "letters to the editor" within this publication over the years, passed away June 23, at 79 of natural causes. Although Tom's opinions and observations may have sometimes resulted in anger or emotional responses from some in the community, the fact that he participated in speaking out, served to help the community grow.

March 13, 2010 8 p.m.

NCAA tournament committee focused on 65, not 96

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - UCLA athletic director Dan Guerrero has a tough enough job this week without imagining it being even more challenging.

December 25, 2013 8 p.m.

Kids and diet - what's wrong?

There are many health professionals that are quite concerned about the diet of most kids in the U.S. The incidence of childhood diseases such as obesity, diabetes, behavioral issues, etc. is escalating. According to Dr. David Katz of the Yale Preventive Medicine Research Center in New Haven, Conn., at a nutrition conference in April 2005, "Children born in the year 2000 or later are not expected to outlive their parents." That should awaken concern in every one of us.

March 21, 2014 9 p.m.

Gardens, preparedness focus of local workshops

COEUR d'ALENE - When you can see sunshine stream through your windows in the morning and see things greening up, then take a lunch break and see particles of snow falling in the afternoon, you begin to understand why "Jump Starting a Garden" could be important.

September 25, 2015 9 p.m.

State education issues begin to take shape in Cd'A; school boards association prepares for next legislative session

COEUR d'ALENE — School officials, board members, and four state legislators from North Idaho attended a meeting in Coeur d'Alene Thursday night to discuss topics that will likely be addressed in Boise next year.

January 9, 2015 8 a.m.

Who knows about GMOs

What do you get when you cross a potato and a jellyfish? Potatoes that glow when they are thirsty.

May 15, 2013 9 p.m.

The most common question

Wine is a subject that generates interest and passion for many of us, so it is predictable that whether it be here in the shop, via email, or just when we are out in public we get a lot of questions. While the questions asked span a wide range there is one question we are asked more than any other, "What do you drink?" Which may also be no big surprise is the toughest to answer.

October 9, 2016 9 p.m.

Civility 101: You're invited

NIC will host one-day conference on Thursday

Graydon Stanley believes if we’re looking for someone to blame, the mirror might be a good place to start.

August 23, 2017 1 a.m.

The things you can learn at a rock concert

Mary and I don’t often go to concerts, especially during the summer we are just too busy. We did last week though go to the Festival at Sandpoint to take in the George Thorogood and the Destroyers show. What a treat! The concert was, to use an overused word AWESOME! At 67 years old now, hard to believe, Mr. Thorogood sounded great, looked better and was clearly having so much fun still playing and crafting his trade that it was simply joyful to watch! Albeit with his hard rocking and no doubt hard living edge.

August 1, 2018 1 a.m.

Mid-summer recommendations

Summer arrived in full-force this past week and with it another surge in wine consumers pursuing crisp whites and lighter bodied reds. Our dining has moved outside, as has our cooking, opting for the grill over the oven. Gatherings have increased in size and frequency as friends and family look to enjoy the weather together. It is, after all, the best time of year in North Idaho. So here are some of what we have been drinking that we really enjoy. Full disclosure: some are repeats, but frankly the ones that are have just been tasting really good.

State reps come to the people
February 26, 2017 midnight

State reps come to the people

COEUR d’ALENE — Education and liquor licenses were the hot topics of Saturday's town hall meeting with Idaho Representatives Paul Amador and Luke Malek.

January 16, 2015 8 p.m.

TERROR: Time to repeat history

A quote from the history of General Black Jack Pershing:

September 10, 2010 9 p.m.

'American way' is not the only way

A short while ago Sholeh Patrick wrote a very insightful and moving piece on the subject of humanity's observance and perception of traditional cultural values. In light of this touchy topic I wish to address our surrounding community, the policing authorities herein and perhaps readers abroad.

The Exhausted Dad: Chatbot takes over the column
May 4, 2024 1 a.m.

The Exhausted Dad: Chatbot takes over the column

I’m looking for any extra few minutes I can get.

May 12, 2010 10 p.m.

PETS: Police your puppy's poo-poo

While walking my dog on one of the local trails, she stopped to go to the bathroom just off to the side. "You had better clean that up!" a man exclaimed as he rode by. "I will," I said as I pulled a plastic bag out of my pocket.  "Bull@*%#" he yelled.

Handguns 101:
June 24, 2021 1 a.m.

Handguns 101:

Fundamentals workshop to be offered at Farragut Public Shooting Range

Participants will have an opportunity to participate in live fire activities

September 21, 2016 9 p.m.

Trying something new - just once

Last week we attended Opera Coeur d’Alene’s production of The Barber of Seville. Mary and I have long been fans of opera in general, but we especially have loved opera here in our own town. The caliber of performers and the opera performances here is truly extraordinary. We have found though over time that there are many preconceived thoughts about opera and whether or not an individual will “like” it. The hurdle though is getting someone to try opera. Like so many things in the big world of wine there are notions about many wines that if you can get consumers past an idea to the point of actually trying something new, they are surprised at how much they enjoy it!

January 15, 2014 8 p.m.

Leavenworth: Go for the wine and the wine lists

One of the drawbacks of owning a retail wine shop is that it makes it tough to get away and explore wine country, even the nearby ones. Not that we don't get to try new wines - we do, virtually every week. The experience of getting out to wine country and trying wine in tasting rooms and at wineries, though, is different. For us, it is more relaxed, less business-like, and we get the added bonus of speaking to wine professionals in their element, and learn about what they do and what trends are driving our industry at the producer level.