Thursday, October 10, 2024

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July 26, 2013 9:03 p.m.

RACISM: Any kind is unacceptable

Is Black Racism any better than White Racism? If George Zimmerman had been Black and Trayvon Martin had been White; would the Blacks be marching in the streets demanding Justice? Would Obama say that the White Youth reminded him of a son? Of course not. So long as we continue to think in terms of Racial Groups, we will continue to have Racial problems. It is only when we look beyond our superficial differences to see our underlaying sameness that we will be able to ease our Racial Tensions.

December 15, 2013 8 p.m.

CHRISTMAS: It's more than holiday

I always look forward to the Christmas holidays in our area … celebrating the birth of our Savior and giving thanks for what we have. I was surprised to see there is a new business in Hayden, Salvation for Muslims … I didn’t know we had a Muslim community in this area. I hope we can still put up our nativity scenes and say “Merry Christmas.”

November 23, 2016 8 p.m.

LUNCH: An anonymous gift

Sunday afternoon, I called my friend, Florence Morrison, to see if she would like to go to Dragon House for some Chinese food. We were having a good visit, getting caught up on our families. When we got ready to leave, our server informed us that the couple sitting across from us had paid for our meal. What a beautiful surprise! So, whoever you were, nice couple, thank you for your kind thoughtfulness. It was so unexpected. Bless you for your kindness. We wish you and everyone else a very Happy Thanksgiving.

March 28, 2014 9:19 p.m.

TRUCKS: Don't fit in neighborhood

I am writing trying to figure out how our neighborhood can put a stop to all the semi trucks, 40-foot motorhomes, UPS trucks, Fed Ex semis, and others parking along Reed Street just north of Wyoming.

May 8, 2015 9 p.m.

MOORE: Time for real justice

Again, a career criminal has brought grief to our city. When will the people wake up? Joseph Duncan is still mounting appeals at our expense 10 years after his horrendous crime. We have people on the street who have been arrested dozens and even hundreds of times. A huge glut of lawyers have hijacked our justice system (check the Yellow Pages). They have turned it into revolving door courts generating fortunes in lawyer fees. We need a three strikes law. Three major strikes and you’re out, all the way out. A publicly viewed hanging is an excellent crime deterrent.

September 6, 2015 9 p.m.

FORWARD: A special occasion

I’ve always enjoyed reading letters in The Press where someone has had their groceries or perhaps their meals paid for by some stranger, and then not knowing whom to thank. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would be the recipients of such a favor.

May 17, 2017 1 a.m.

ARTS: Love 'em locally

A BIG THANK YOU to The Press for recognizing the arts’ contribution to the quality of our lives. The Spokane Symphony is indeed a priceless part of our Inland Northwest music community. But so are our many smaller performing groups — Chorale Coeur d’Alene, Spokane Choral Artists and Sweet Adelines, to name but a few.

May 9, 2018 1 a.m.

TRUMP: Constitutional lesson

Is anyone else bothered by the comments that President Trump made at his Michigan rally on April 28, that if anyone in the caravan is allowed to enter the USA, they will fade into our society and vote in our elections as Democrats?

June 17, 2018 1 a.m.

LIBERTARIAN: Duopoly alternative

To the people of North Idaho: The Region 1 Libertarian Party of Idaho (Idaho Panhandle) would like to inject itself into the consciousness of political thought for our neighbors here in North Idaho. The Idaho Libertarian Party would like everyone to know there are other options besides the duopoly currently seen in our politics.

April 11, 2018 1 a.m.

SCHOOLS: Safety first

I took part in Active Shooter Training at one of our elementary schools Friday. It was provided by the Rathdrum Police Department and the Lakeland School District. I want to thank our forward-looking community for providing this class to the staff of our schools.

February 11, 2018 midnight


Regarding Marc Stewart’s article on the Idaho House vote to exclude Newton’s Laws of Motion and climate change effects on our planet, I politely call for the BS alarm. Reps: Amador, Mendive and Cheatham have done a disservice to our teachers and our children. It did make The New York Times though, not that it was a good thing.

December 26, 2018 midnight

TRUMP: Hear your advisers

The electorate of our nation has chosen Donald Trump to be our president. Some of his advisers were elected and some appointed. I have heard enough vitriol by his supporters and detractors. If we are to succeed, we must grow up and try to get along.

December 3, 2014 10:35 p.m.

WOLVES: Push deer to homes

Mrs. Crumpacker. You say that wolves and other predators keep deer out of our “neighborhoods/yards/gardens.” I would contend that the opposite is true. Our government transported Canadian wolves to our land causing the population of wolves to SKYROCKET. This in turn caused the population of deer, elk and moose to fall, to a higher degree the elk. Maybe the deer are coming into your neighborhood because the wolves are chasing them there. Wolves and most other predators won’t come into a neighborhood so, bingo!

September 6, 2017 1 a.m.

LININGERS: Good one, Press!

Thank you for the ironic humor provided by the obviously fictitious ramblings of “The Liningers.” Their narrow-minded and mean-spirited views are a refreshing reminder of the April 1 articles The Press publishes. By creating and publishing these nasty “Lininger” letters supposedly penned by people who are obviously against everything, and completely ill-informed, you illustrate the wonderful and caring nature of our community and the countless number of amazing people who actively work to improve our communities by volunteering their time, money and talent to community organizations and nonprofits. Those folks are our true treasure and they exemplify the best of Idaho and of America.

February 27, 2011 9:04 p.m.

LEVY: Overhaul system first

It's obvious we're not getting bang for our tax buck with local education. After years of supplemental school levies, we're now faced with the biggest one ever ($26 million!) and we're now being told this is no longer "supplemental," but REQUIRED to continue with basic school needs.

January 17, 2020 midnight

REEVE: Anti-anxiety medicine

This is a thank you note to you and The Press for publishing such a wonderful opinion piece on serenity by Sue Reeve on Saturday, Jan. 10. In our current world situation and with all the stresses of life, no matter what our age, the subject of serenity really hits home. Our lives have just become so much more stressed and complicated that reading such a well thought out and purposely written article can give pause to the many pressures we all face. We all need this peace. It would be great to see more of her words throughout 2020 based on this theme.

January 15, 2020 midnight

CHEERS: Thanks to parks departments

I am writing to convey my gratitude to the Parks Departments of Post Falls and Liberty Lake for the winter plowing of the Centennial Trail and Liberty Lake Trail systems. Like a lot of people in the Inland Northwest, I can get a bit of cabin fever this time of year. Thankfully, our fine parks department folks plow our local trails so those of us that choose to do so can be active outside year-around! By the way, this makes life a little easier for our loved ones that have to put up with those of us afflicted by cabin fever during the winter.

September 2, 2018 1 a.m.

DUNCAN: Ready for the job

I am supporting Leslie Duncan to become one of our county commissioners. During my tenure on the Board of County Commissioners, I worked with Leslie in her role as the chairwoman of the Aquifer Protection District. She was always prepared for our meetings and was a very good steward of the money under the APD’s supervision. She prepared and presented budgets in excess of $500,000, always making prudent use of the money that went to help protect our aquifer.

August 24, 2022 1 a.m.

SCHOOL LEVY: Schools vital to community

SCHOOL LEVY: Schools vital to community

April 24, 2022 1 a.m.

AMADOR: Conservative, conscientious

On May 17, we have a clear choice for our state representative for House Seat 4B.