Tuesday, October 08, 2024

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October 17, 2012 9 p.m.

HIGH-RISE: Reasons to just say no

We would like to voice our opposition to the proposed 14-story high-rise on First Avenue and Lakeside and to bring up some questions regarding this project. We feel this project would detract from the quaintness of downtown Coeur d’Alene and start a possible building surge that would increase the likelihood that our downtown area would begin to look more like Spokane or Seattle. Do we really want that? Has the city government done a traffic study for this area?

November 10, 2013 8 p.m.

VETERANS: ALS a fierce adversary

The Press has done a very good job of reporting about the challenges our veterans face. We all have read or seen stories about our wounded warriors. About traumatic brain injury. About veterans suffering from depression and other serious mental health issues. About those who have lost limbs or endure other physical hardships. These are serious issues that deserve our attention, especially on Veterans Day. What also deserves our attention, but which gets much less press, is the fact that military veterans are twice as likely to develop — and die from — Lou Gehrig’s Disease as those who have not served in the military.

February 22, 2015 8 p.m.

LEVY: Best for area families

Does the School Levy equal community independence? Self-reliance and independence is a beautiful thing! We learn control, obedience, pride, accountability and ownership when we become self-reliant and independent. We are all independent community members at various stages of dependency. There are times when we are able to be independent and times in life when we have to be uncomfortably dependent, causing us to feel out-of-control in our surroundings and day to day life.

October 18, 2019 1 a.m.

WOOD: Law enforcers salute her

The Coeur d’Alene Police Association and the Kootenai County Deputy Sheriffs Association are committed to serving the citizens of our community while reducing crime and increasing the quality of life for those we serve. We look for candidates for elected office who share our values and echo our deep seeded commitment to keeping our community safe. We believe we have found such a candidate in Christie Wood and are pleased to endorse her for Council Seat 1.

MOVING HISTORY FORWARD: Getting good stories
September 24, 2022 1:05 a.m.

MOVING HISTORY FORWARD: Getting good stories

The Museum of North Idaho, or MONI, continues to be blessed by the unwavering support of the Coeur d’Alene Press. We continue to use all resources available to put before our community the importance of shining a spotlight on our past to better understand our present. The Press remains one of our best resources.

Nick Madsen: Lovin’ the library life
June 23, 2020 12:03 p.m.

Nick Madsen: Lovin’ the library life

Meet Nick Madsen, the emerging technology librarian for the Community Library Network. He provides the experience and you provide the curiosity that will lead you to success with technology, now and in the future. Nick started working at the Hayden Library in 2006 and has held his current position since 2018. Going to school online and in the classroom, Nick graduated from North Idaho College with his associate degree, Lewis-Clark State College-Coeur d’Alene with his bachelor’s and University of Kentucky with a Master of Science in library science. Nick has been recognized by the Idaho Afterschool Network, the Coeur d’Alene School District and the Hayden Chamber of Commerce for his work with the community.

May 5, 2010 9 p.m.

Food hurts and helps

Food for Thought

A wise Spanish proverb states, "The belly rules the mind." Our tummy controls our behavior, cognition and mood. We overeat to feed the growling beast within, refuse to eat to control parents who try to control and intake small portions while exercising to excess to become the perfect pop cultural representation of physical health.

April 10, 2013 9 p.m.

EROTICA: Get it out of schools

It has been brought to my attention the high school has erotic books in the library. I have also been informed they are reading these books in the language classes. I do not feel comfortable with my child reading this sort of material. We need to pull together as a community and have the erotic material removed from our schools. Our children are not old enough to purchase this sort of reading. Why would we allow our schools to teach it?

March 22, 2017 1 a.m.

THANKS: From grateful Lakeland

The entire staff of the Lakeland Joint School District would like to thank our community for supporting both of our levy ballots last week. Your vote of confidence allows us to continue down the road of academic excellence, while offering programs and opportunities to ensure success for all students. We value your trust and ensure our patrons will be kept informed, with transparent and consistent communication. Thank you again for your support.

April 8, 2018 1 a.m.

TRASH: What a mess

In regards to the David Boyer letter on March 21, thank you for pointing out how much garbage there is on our streets and our surrounding area. I-90 is terrible.

March 22, 2020 4 a.m.

Notice to our subscribers regarding COVID-19

To our subscribers,

January 18, 2021 2:45 p.m.

MY TURN: Americans must unite to meet the huge challenges on our doorstep

As I grew up following World War II, those in my generation believed

December 26, 2010 8 p.m.

We are all in it together

In this last column of the year we reflect a bit and project a bit, at least as well as we are able in these uncertain times.

Here's an invite to understand our Idaho
October 5, 2018 1 a.m.

Here's an invite to understand our Idaho

Next week, the wholly reimagined Idaho State Museum is set to open in Boise. After several years of planning, fundraising, and implementation, we’re finally ready to say, “Here we are, Idaho.”

Fabulous Fourth, Chamber style!
June 22, 2018 1 a.m.

Fabulous Fourth, Chamber style!

Your Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce is working hard for our business members and community at large to make your July one you soon won’t forget.

April 24, 2018 10:08 a.m.

Our neighbors, the Coeur d'Alene Tribe

In North Idaho we are lucky to call the Coeur d’Alene Tribe our neighbors. This has been true all the way back to the time of the European settlement when the tribe handed out blankets and food to starving settlers. The tribe continues to extend this same type of generosity today through their unbelievable support of community programs, economic development and education.

April 30, 2017 2 a.m.

No headline

STEM night a success

August 14, 2011 10 p.m.

TAXES: Stick to essentials

Here we go again! Sprinklings of stories from the taxing districts justifying their reasoning's for an increase in budgets when for the past year we have read numerous stories, op-ed pieces and public comments on the excesses of government spending. The outrages expressed, the inefficiencies, and inadequacies in programs and compensation continue. The most recent from our two largest cities here in North Idaho. We're hearing all of the same explanations that have been stated so many times in the past. "Our employees have not seen raises in three years; in order to maintain essential services; our equipment is falling apart; we are a training ground for other agencies; it will only cost X amount of dollars more per year; our levy rate is lower than other districts." YadaYadaYada. Are we tired yet of hearing these same sound bites?

March 7, 2012 8:15 p.m.

Celebrate hand knitting this month at Alpaca Direct!

The contemporary crafter can be anyone - young or old, housewife or executive, rich or poor. Some craft to provide for their loved ones; others seek artistic expression or the comfort of familiar motions. The diverse, growing community of crafters who call our Hayden storefront home in North Idaho is a testament to the near-universal appeal of the fiber arts!