Monday, October 07, 2024

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November 21, 2021 1 a.m.

DEMOCRATS: Community steps up

DEMOCRATS: Community steps up

April 9, 2013 6:54 a.m.

2013 Best Wine List

Everyone at the cellar has a position or a daily task that puts our customers in a position to relax, dine and enjoy amazing music. We all take our roles with the utmost of importance, this is where we work and to us it is like a second home. When you come to the cellar we want you to feel like a guest in our home.

July 27, 2011 11:06 a.m.

VETS: Stand down humbling

We were blessed to be able to serve breakfast to our country's military veterans last Saturday morning as part of the North Idaho Veterans Stand Down. We worked in the Knights of Columbus booth, along with 10 or so other cheerful Knights. We had smiles on our faces the entire few hours we all worked together, mostly because of the gratitude these vets and their families expressed.

December 5, 2010 11:55 a.m.

FIREMEN: Come to the lunch rescue

On Monday, Nov. 29 my husband, my grandson, my granddaughter and I went to KC's Breakfast Club in Post Falls to have lunch around 1 p.m. As we were being seated I noticed two Kootenai County Fire and Rescue firemen having lunch at another table. We ordered our food and halfway through our meal the two firemen were finished and got up to leave. As they passed by our table they smiled, nodded and were on their way.

December 29, 2012 8 p.m.

NRA: Message rings of truth

Having just listened to the address delivered by Wayne LaPierre of the NRA outlining how to truly protect our school children I must ask a question: If the states can pass laws in direct defiance of the federal government legalizing marijuana and the president responds to those laws stating his lack of intent to enforce federal law, then WHY do not our local and state officials enact laws based on common sense to protect our children?

November 6, 2013 8 p.m.

AAUW: More good stuff to come

In regard to the article in the Oct. 24 issue of The Press about the gourmet dinner group celebrating its 40th anniversary: This gourmet group is one of the special interest groups formed by and for members of the Coeur d’Alene Branch of AAUW. Earlier this year, the Coeur d’Alene Branch of AAUW celebrated 75 years of promoting education and equity for women and girls in our community. As part of our mission to promote higher education, our branch has been funding scholarships for women students to attend North Idaho College since 1951. Next spring, watch for information as to how you can get involved in our fun adult spelling bee fundraiser for NIC scholarships!

September 2, 2015 9 p.m.

COMPLAINT: Most folks disagree

Sounds like a disgruntled customer! As you can tell by Mrs. Indahl’s comments, she sounds like an attorney. We spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on our flowers and American flags. (We display 450 flags every holiday.) We have had thousands of comments on both flowers and flags. It’s obvious our attorney does not understand profit margin and profit (don’t have time to explain it here to her). However, our profits have been incredible and growing because of our efforts to plant thousands of flowers and display 450 American flags every holiday. If you don’t like American flags and flowers, sorry!

April 21, 2019 1 a.m.

BORDER: Failure to close it is treason

In my opinion, Pelosi, Schummer, Waters, Warren and other liberal politicians are guilty of treason because they deny the need to close our southern border; thus allowing illegal immigrants, drugs, gangs, etc., to enter and deny our country’s need for security. And they do not apparently want to protect our country’s legal citizens, children, seniors, etc. Compassion is one thing, but our laws are being intentionally violated. Shame on you political violators. You are treasonous individuals!

March 5, 2019 midnight

LEVY: Pay it forward, voters

As lifelong residents, we have enjoyed this community and its many benefits of quality of life and the character of people here. There are some things we believe in and are proud of, a main one being the education available to our children.

May 10, 2019 1 a.m.

HONOR: A veteran's perspective

This week I had the privilege of going on the Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., being a Vietnam Veteran. First, I want to say a big “thank you” to all who help make this possible. You know our nation is great because of two things.

April 28, 2023 1 a.m.


Thank you CLN Library Trustees Judy Meyer and Regina McCrea for your dedication to our communities, fiscal responsibility overseeing the library budget, hiring professional library personnel, setting long-range planning goals for the future of our libraries (with community input) and being advocates for our First Amendment right to intellectual freedom. You have been fulfilling the responsibilities of Trustees with dignity and grace.

April 27, 2022 1 a.m.

LEFT: This is on you

After reading John Johnson’s letter regarding the enemy within our country, I felt the need to send a letter to the editor in support of Mr. Johnson’s view. He implied our enemy is the Left in our country.

July 24, 2024 1 a.m.

AGGRESSIVE DOG: City shows no concern

We unfortunately lost our beloved pet yesterday due to an aggressive next-door dog that entered our property and took the life of our little Luna. She passed in my wife’s arms on the way to emergency.

November 13, 2020 1 a.m.

FLAGS: Protest disrespectful

If we displayed political signs, our yard would have a “His” (Trump) and a “Hers” (Biden). But there are no signs in the yard of our Hayden home.

May 20, 2020 4:01 p.m.

TRUMP: Applause for leading

In response to Mr. David M. Cohen’s letter, I would like to HONOR our great President Trump who is doing a phenomenal job leading us through this challenging season in our country. Just to be clear, it was President Trump who closed access to China when this whole thing started and it is President Trump who has saved thousands of lives because of his timely decisions to address the virus while another political party was bent on wasting valuable time and millions of dollars on an impeachment fiasco. Money that could have been used to help fight the virus but they were too focused on destroying our elected and esteemed President!

March 23, 2012 9 p.m.

TRUSTEE: Keep politics out of it

I am writing about the upcoming appointment of the fifth Coeur d’Alene School Board Trustee by our Kootenai County Commissioners. I am asking our County Commissioners to please keep politics out of your decision-making process. Please, do your due diligence and vet each candidate thoroughly. I ask that you choose based on credentials. We need someone who has education knowledge and experience in order to be an effective leader of our school district. Please, understand that there are two opposing sides with very different agendas on the board currently. If you listen too closely to their “advice,” you may not be able to make an unbiased decision.

March 18, 2016 9:14 p.m.

KNIVES: Bestowed with honor

On March 9, veterans who served a minimum of one tour in Iraq or Afghanistan with the 92nd air refueling wing of the U.S. Air Force were presented a total of 61 Buck commemorative knives for their honorable military service to our country. The knives were presented on behalf of our donors by Mrs. Chuck Buck and me with a handshake, thank you card, and a list of donors.

December 16, 2016 8 p.m.

HABITAT: An ongoing gift

The holiday season is a time for personal reflection and giving thanks for the many blessings that we enjoy. It’s also a time to reflect on ways that we can help other members of our community. Habitat for Humanity believes in providing a helping hand instead of a handout. All our recipient families are required to put in hundreds of hours of “sweat equity” into their homes, along with committing to paying back a significant portion of their new home’s construction cost through our zero-interest loan program.

June 1, 2016 9 p.m.

SUMMER: Keep on learning

Soon, final school bells will ring and students will run out of their classrooms ready for their summer adventure to begin. As parents, we need to take time this summer to talk with our kids about their passions and goals and how they will pursue them. We should be encouraging our kids to read books that spark their interest and let their imagination run wild. We also have incredible opportunities in Idaho to be outdoors exploring this beautiful region around us. It’s up to us to take advantage of this precious time with our kids.

October 31, 2014 10:15 p.m.

STRANSKY: The voice of reason

It is time for new voices in our legislature. The old voices have given us mostly minimum wage jobs, tax breaks only for the wealthy, the overwhelmingly rejected “Luna laws,” guns on college campuses, school systems that are unable to hire needed new teachers and a health care system that is expensive and out of reach for many working people.