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June 13, 2012 9:15 p.m.

A matter of timing

If you take prescription medication to control high blood pressure, a slight change in your daily dosing schedule may provide you with an important advantage. New research indicates that taking blood pressure medications at bedtime instead of in the morning reduces the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular problems by about two-thirds.

January 2, 2013 8 p.m.

Treating sinus inflammation

When sinus inflammation (sinusitis) strikes, most people probably think that the best thing to do is get a prescription for antibiotics from their doctors. However, antibiotics are ineffective in 90 percent to 98 percent of all sinusitis case because nearly all sinus infections are viral in nature, and antibiotics don't kill viruses.

Poll: Majority of Americans want government to curb prescription costs
August 21, 2015 9 p.m.

Poll: Majority of Americans want government to curb prescription costs

WASHINGTON - Move over, "Obamacare." A new poll finds Americans worried about medication costs and broadly supporting government action to curb drug prescription prices.

US regulators lift in-person restrictions on abortion pill
December 16, 2021 7:20 p.m.

US regulators lift in-person restrictions on abortion pill

About 40% of all abortions in the U.S. are now done through medication

December 7, 2011 8:15 p.m.

Medication cautions for pregnancy-minded women

If you are pregnant or thinking about conceiving, you should know that there are risks associated with taking prescription painkillers. Various factors that influence the risk of birth defects include how much medication a woman takes, at what stage of her pregnancy she takes it and what health conditions she might have. With this in mind, women thinking about getting pregnant should discuss the fact with their prescribing physicians. Taking such prescription opioid painkillers as codeine, hydrocodone or oxycodone (Oxycontin) may increase the risk of birth defects in children of women taking these drugs. Taking these drugs just prior to pregnancy or during pregnancy is linked to a moderate risk of congenital heart defects among newborns.

January 30, 2013 8 p.m.

Treating sinus inflammation

When sinus inflammation (sinusitis) strikes, most people probably think that the best thing to do is get a prescription for antibiotics from their doctors. However, antibiotics are ineffective in 90 percent to 98 percent of all sinusitis case because nearly all sinus infections are viral in nature, and antibiotics don't kill viruses. Currently, one in every five antibiotic prescriptions written for U.S. adults is written for sinusitis. Keeping in mind that unnecessary and unneeded antibiotic use leads to more virulent strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The Infectious Diseases Society of America recommends that doctors only suspect a bacterial infection when sinusitis symptoms last ten days or more and do not improve. After that, a five to seven day course of amoxicillin is often recommended.

May 19, 2010 9 p.m.

OTC medications at wholesale prices

Diabetes is an awful disease.

May 2, 2012 9 p.m.

Medications only work if you take them

One of the more worrisome aspects of keeping patients healthy is the fact that many do not take their medications. At the very worst, this compliance problem begins when patients with chronic conditions do not even pick up their newly prescribed drugs. This failure to comply with their prescribing physicians' recommendations places patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and other potentially life-threatening conditions at particular risk.

Rite Aid seeks Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as it deals with lawsuits and losses
October 16, 2023 1:30 p.m.

Rite Aid seeks Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as it deals with lawsuits and losses

Rite Aid Corp. said in its federal bankruptcy filing that it runs more than 2,000 stores. Most of its locations are on the East and West Coasts, including Idaho

Pain pills
November 21, 2014 8 p.m.

Pain pills

Soaring generic drug prices draw Senate scrutiny

WASHINGTON - Some low-cost generic drugs that have helped restrain health care costs for decades are seeing unexpected price spikes of up to 8,000 percent, prompting a backlash from patients, pharmacists and now Washington lawmakers.

February 8, 2012 8:15 p.m.

Are you one in a million?

It is estimated that half of American adults have at least one of the leading risk factors for heart disease: Smoking, hypertension or uncontrolled high cholesterol. By reducing these risks significantly, most of the two million heart attacks (and 800,000 of the resultant deaths) that occur in this country annually could be prevented.

‘We can’t arrest our way out of this’
December 23, 2021 1:08 a.m.

‘We can’t arrest our way out of this’

Police shine light on deadly fentanyl crisis in North Idaho

Police shine light on deadly fentanyl crisis in North Idaho

March 6, 2013 8 p.m.

After leaving the hospital

Upon being discharged from the hospital, heart patients, in particular, are prone to making medication mistakes at home. In fact, one recent study indicates that more than half of patients admitted to hospitals for heart attack or heart failure subsequently make drug errors once they leave the hospital. Even well-educated patients who received special counseling and follow-up phone calls to ensure proper medication dosing had as much trouble following their drug regimens as patients left on their own. The most common mistakes made by patients of all kinds include not taking a prescribed medication, missing a dose, taking an incorrect dose, delaying filling out a prescription, and stopping a medication before indicated. The pharmacist can help avoid these common errors.

February 27, 2013 8 p.m.

ADHD drugs perform better than assumed

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects an average 9 percent of U.S. children between ages 5 and 17, making it one of the most common childhood disorders. Because children affected by ADHD experience problems staying focused, hyperactivity, and disruptive/aggressive behavior, they are likely to fall behind at school and display risky behavior as teenagers. While such drugs as methylphenidate (Ritalin) may help children with ADHD concentrate better and control impulsivity, some argue that the prescription stimulants transform children into "robots" or "drug them into acquiescence." However, the latest research on the matter reveals that the ADHD children themselves do not agree. Many say that they still are the same people but they "just act a little better."

Business Briefly August 25, 2011
August 25, 2011 9 p.m.

Business Briefly August 25, 2011

Google settles pharmacy ad probe

May 18, 2022 1 a.m.

DRUGS ACT: Just say no

Americans are struggling to afford the highest drug prices in the world.

November 16, 2011 8:15 p.m.

Medication-related weight gain

As if it weren't difficult enough to maintain normal body weight, some people actually put on pounds as a result of the medication they are taking.

December 26, 2012 8 p.m.

Tapering off anti-depressant medication

If you are being prescribed the antidepressant drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), you may feel that, for one reason or another, the time has come to stop taking the medications.

January 9, 2013 8 p.m.

On the record about off-label drugs

A medication is said to be used "off label" when it is prescribed to treat a condition for which it has yet to be approved by the FDA. An example of off-label drug use may be an anti-depressant that is prescribed to treat insomnia or a pain condition.

MY TURN: Combating the opioid crisis in Idaho
April 20, 2023 1 a.m.

MY TURN: Combating the opioid crisis in Idaho

Opioids have been part of the medical culture for thousands of years, with ancient cultures using them for various medical and religious purposes. Morphine, for example, was discovered in the early 19th century to ease pain, shorten coughs and treat battlefield wounds.