Monday, October 14, 2024

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June 8, 2016 9 p.m.

OIL: Stop and think

Before you start squawking about the awful oil trains that haul oil from our one-area code sparsely populated states to coastal counties where more than 80 percent of Americans live just remember we didn’t want oil extracted on our coasts. We forget that pipelines leaked oil into the Yellowstone River or exploded beneath a San Bruno, Calif., neighborhood. Yet we built homes right next to pipelines in Post Falls.

September 19, 2014 9 p.m.

TRAPPING: Time to reform methods

After reading the “My Turn” article on Friday, Sept. 5th., Idaho Fish and Games’ policy states that trappers may legally kill your dog when you use trails on public land. This really is a major problem as our dogs have been tortured and killed in these kill traps. As I understand it, there are Kill traps and Injure traps that take off body parts and then there are traps that simply catch the animals. Catch traps would allow us to release our pets, or kids, or endangered species animals, without serious damage. This would be a very simple solution and allow the people to once again enjoy our beautiful trails and back country.

September 2, 2018 1 a.m.

MEDICARE: Heading wrong way

The new federal budget has been introduced and it includes a $537 billion in proposed cuts to Medicare. This is not the way to take care of the elderly who have worked all their lives only to spend one out of six dollars of their income on health care even with Medicare. Health care is broken and must be fixed intelligently without greed and corruption.

May 3, 2017 1 a.m.

BUSES: A positive link

Public transportation is vital in improving our local economy, providing an alternative to driving, and helping improve citizens’ quality of life. Ranked as the 11th fastest growing population in the country by MSA, Coeur d’Alene is growing fast. As we grow, the need for high quality public transportation will play a larger role.

July 19, 2017 1 a.m.

NOISE: Enforce law or quit

I would like to congratulate Mr. Marty Meyer for speaking up about the ongoing noise problem in our once relatively quiet town. Too long the majority (that term still means what our forefathers meant it to stand for — majority rules) of people in our town have had to tolerate (a liberal excuse for no backbone) unnecessary noise by a few offenders for the so-called sake of business or some other gutless excuse. We now have an ordinance to control this worsening problem. What we need are some officials with a backbone to do the job that the majority want enforced by law, not some liberal dribble excuse called educational actions. What a crock of B.S. in plain English.

December 5, 2014 8 p.m.

HOME: Not where this heart is

My husband and I moved here from California six months ago to be closer to our daughter who is expecting our first grandchild. We purchased a home in Post Falls that appeared to be the perfect home in pristine condition. Little did we know what lurked inside this home.

October 17, 2014 9 p.m.

WUEST: Another side to the man

As a resident of Dalton Gardens since the mid-’70s I have lived next to the Wuest family. Otis Wuest was the water master back then and spent many unpaid hours working and repairing our water lines so we could keep our yards and gardens green. Robert Wuest helped his father on a lot of projects in our city and soon took over the water master position when Otis no longer could.

November 2, 2014 8 p.m.

AIRPORT: It's all about expansion

The issue is not if the airport manager is a good guy or not. We are sure Mr. Delavan is a good man and has the airport interests at heart. But does he have the community interests at heart?

November 10, 2017 midnight

VETERANS: Do this for them

As a retired Army Judge Advocate General, I have given legal assistance to hundreds of our veterans who deserve our thanks and support. There are approximately 30,000 veterans in Kootenai County. That number is increasing as we continue combat deployments overseas.

Darrell Rickard
October 28, 2017 1 a.m.

Darrell Rickard

Name: Darrell Rickard

June 9, 2017 1 a.m.

TEACHERS: Pay-raise reservations

Teachers say they need an additional 5 percent increase in salary. I wonder what the rest in our communities will make this next year? Will they all make an additional 5 percent? I sincerely doubt it. Maybe even 1 percent would be more than many are going to make.

March 10, 2017 midnight

WALL: What it represents

I was recently challenged by a friend to explain how The Wall being built on our southern border was going to do any good because “people will just go around it.”

February 24, 2017 midnight

BOND: Reasons for support

I am writing in support of the $35.5 million bond to be voted on in March. It is critical for the community to understand this bond does not cost most taxpayers any more money than they’re paying now. Our schools educate the future of our community, and it’s very important every student have the best possible circumstances to succeed in their education.

August 10, 2010 1:08 p.m.

TUBBS: Garbage ruins this experience

Recently my husband and I took family members visiting for the first time from Kansas and Nebraska on a hike of Tubbs Hill. We were anxious to show them the beauty of the surrounding area. To our surprise and embarrassment we came upon trash that had been left behind rather than carried out. As we started to pick up what trash would fit in the one plastic sack we had with us, our family joined in and helped. This was not exactly what we had in mind in taking them on a scenic hike to enjoy the various views of Lake Coeur d'Alene. The one sack was filled in no time and had we had additional sacks with us, they, too, would have become filled with what others left behind.

February 4, 2018 midnight

BROOKS: Mr. Scambuster

First, Bill Brooks, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your column. I LOVE that you let us know about all the bad dudes out there who are trying to scam people.

October 20, 2019 1 a.m.

ROETTER: Balanced, best for Hayden

As the spouse of a recent retiree, our household is facing a new normal, watching our budget down to the penny. We understand and accept that lifestyle adjustment for the benefits of more free time. One of the reasons we like living in Hayden is because the city has a low tax rate which helps retirees and families immensely.

August 9, 2019 1 a.m.

SOUZA: The champion is MIA

Where has Mary Souza — CHAMPION OF THE PEOPLE — gone? Remember during the McEuen Park debate that she was adamant that the city hold an advisory vote so that Council would know what the people wanted? Now, Mary is our senator and the people gave her an advisory vote when they passed the Medicaid expansion initiative with a 61% majority. Senator Souza didn’t like the advice. Now she wants to make the initiative process so difficult that the people would probably never be able to bring an initiative to the ballot and vote again. She doesn’t want our advice. (I call the initiative “advisory” because the Legislature can amend and even repeal an initiative at will.)

February 26, 2021 1 a.m.

BARS: Cd’A gets it right

Thank you for the article about rowdiness.

April 16, 2023 1 a.m.

ABORTION: Unborn need more protection

Abortion by definition is the killing of an unborn baby. It is truly heartbreaking that abortion has continued to be legal for 50 years since the Roe v. Wade supreme court case.

October 4, 2023 1 a.m.

FENTANYL: Write to your members of Congress

Has anyone, especially our elected officials in the federal government, paid any serious attention at all to the magnitude of the number of American deaths recently attributed to fentanyl laced products being illegally brought into the USA through our southern border?