Sunday, October 13, 2024

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July 11, 2015 9 p.m.

Your best time to work out

When is the best time of day to work out? Some people think early morning, others like afternoon and there are people who love to workout late at night. So what is the correct answer to this question? As you can imagine, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to what time of day is best for a workout.

May 20, 2017 1 a.m.

Toxic foods

Over the last seven years of writing this column, I have disproportionately written about nutrition more than any other health and fitness topic. One of the reasons I do this is food, in its many variations, overwhelmingly defines our health.

July 15, 2017 1 a.m.

Innately speaking: Conservative or liberal?

In 2001, I cut back on my technical work and began writing about political, social, religious, and military subjects. During these 16 years, I received considerable feedback about this more subjective work.

September 3, 2019 2:04 p.m.

No headline

By CLINT SCHROEDER Regional Publisher

October 29, 2011 9 p.m.

Satan is in a cell phone

I grew up in a conservative Christian church with a robustly literal view of Satan. He was pictured as an actual being with mind-invading capacities for temptation and an insatiable lust for doing evil. Despite my upbringing, I had never been able to believe in Satan as anything more than a quaint, outdated metaphor. There's no need for a supernatural tempter. Humans are capable of monumental evil all on their own.

January 24, 2012 4:56 a.m.

Post Falls movie theater closing

Julius Vichinsky, owner of the Post Falls movie theater, announced on the theater's Facebook page, that the theater is closing for good on Sunday.

April 3, 2013 9 p.m.

Immigration reform - A conservative approach

A consensus has been building about the need to reform and modernize our immigration system. While I am optimistic that Republicans, including "tea party" members, will support reform, it must be done right. We must create a system for the 21st century and beyond, one that honors the rule of law, provides a fair path for those seeking to come to the United States and fixes our broken borders.

February 1, 2017 midnight

What lies beneath

We are just finalizing our winter/spring schedule of tastings and wine dinners, and it promises to be another great lineup of winemakers! More about the full schedule later for now I want to draw your attention to just one of the events. On Thursday, March 9 we will be holding a winemaker dinner with Bob Bertheau the head winemaker for Chateau Ste. Michelle; we will follow up the dinner with a tasting here at the shop on Friday, March 10.

October 22, 2014 9 p.m.

What if I could?

Daniel Pink is the author of multiple bestsellers, and in his new book "To Sell Is Human," Pink believes you and I are in the business of moving others everyday. You might think you don't sell anything, but you do. Everyday, you and I are selling something: at work, home and in our community. We sell what we believe in and what we value. We sell our ideas, our dreams and the things we are devoted too. Sometimes we don't even know we are doing it, but we are selling the things we are passionate about.

MY TURN: Cd'A School District needs your support
March 3, 2023 1 a.m.

MY TURN: Cd'A School District needs your support

Friends and neighbors, we need to say what paid school officials can’t: The Coeur d’Alene School District needs your support on March 14. On that day, local voters will decide whether to support two crucial levy requests.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Your palate knows best
December 7, 2022 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Your palate knows best

We sometimes hear from customers and readers that they “feel like they should like” this wine or that one but just don’t.

COMMENTARY: Justice building expansion deserves support
August 3, 2022 1 a.m.

COMMENTARY: Justice building expansion deserves support

In 2000, just under 109,000 people called Kootenai County home. Eight total judges served the county’s courts, including one whose position was created just two years before. A building addition including a courtroom and chambers ensured the new judge and staff had room not just to be present, but to perform their public service well. Today, 22 years later, Kootenai County is close to crossing 180,000 residents. The county now relies on 17 judges — four district judges and nine magistrate judges based here, aided by four other judges who travel from elsewhere. But aside from two courtrooms gained through buying the former federal court building in 2009, the space provided for Kootenai County’s courts remains the same. We have an opportunity to change this. ARPA funding can allow the county to expand the Justice Building, adding three larger jury courtrooms, space for judges, staff, clerks, the prosecutor’s office, security, and room for in-custody defendants and transportation from the sheriff’s office.

MY TURN: Our North Idaho Legislators do not represent us
December 1, 2023 1 a.m.

MY TURN: Our North Idaho Legislators do not represent us

Our North Idaho legislators do not represent the real needs of Idahoans. They consistently push ideological issues and the legislative goals of the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF).

CDA Council: Looking ahead, a glance back
January 3, 2023 1:09 a.m.

CDA Council: Looking ahead, a glance back

Elected leaders like progress made, city key issues for 2023

Coeur d'Alene City Council members shared with The Press what they see as key issues facing the city in 2023 and what some of their achievements were in 2022.

July 15, 2020 1 a.m.

SENIOR: Seeing, and fearing

I’m a senior citizen, turning 80 this fall. I was taught civics in junior high, understood and retained its principles. Civics hasn’t been taught for years and that’s a shame. Because most people under 50 have no idea at all of what makes our Constitution great. Our Constitution isn’t great just because of what it says. Our Constitution is great because of the way it says it!

May 10, 2013 6:25 a.m.

REGAN: Soaring toward the future

The first time I met Brent Regan was at the 1996 Oshkosh Wisconsin AirVenture airshow. I had flown to Oshkosh in my latest design, the Boomerang, and Brent had just won the Great Cross Country Race in the Lancair IV-P he built. Since then we have become friends.

May 31, 2013 9 p.m.

Avista releases Shared Value report

Multi-media channels enhance online content, readership

Avista, the regulated utility business of Avista Corp. (NYSE:AVA), has released "Shared Value-Shared Success," its 2013 corporate responsibility and sustainability report. This fifth annual report on the company's operations was prepared in accordance with and has fulfilled the Level B requirements of the G-3 and Electric Utility Supplement of the international Global Reporting Initiative.

October 16, 2013 9 p.m.

EVANS: Time for her youthful energy

When I saw that Amy Evans is running for Coeur d’Alene’s City Council this year, I was relieved. She’s the face of a new generation and of our city’s bright future. I’m ready for a young, energetic force with fresh ideas to help guide our beautiful city’s development and forward progress. Amy has proved her passion for Coeur d’Alene and demonstrated the skills essential to our City Council by leading the charge to save Sorensen Elementary and by serving on the city’s Planning Commission for six years. Neighborhood schools are the foundation of a healthy community. She proved her ability to unite people for the common good by recruiting the Kroc Center’s first 22,000 members and leading Ironman Coeur d’Alene volunteers for 10 years. She was so effective that Ironman named her Volunteer Captain of the Year. She proved her incredible energy by competing in Ironman twice.

September 14, 2011 10 p.m.

FEDS: Here'sone way to fix everything

Recently while discussing our country's political situation, my wife came up with the long-sought answer to our nation's financial and political problems. Listen to this.

October 17, 2012 9 p.m.

What is Quantum Biofeedback and how can it help me?

We have all used biofeedback in many facets of our lives. For example, any time we have stepped on a scale to measure our weight or anytime we have used a thermometer to measure our temperature, we've used biofeedback.