Monday, July 08, 2024

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March 10, 2024 1 a.m.

EDITORIAL: Can NIC's leopards change their spots?

Trustees are in final six-month stretch to do what they should have done two years ago.

August 2, 2023 1 a.m.

LIBRARY NETWORK: Don’t impose religious beliefs on others

Keep your religion out of our libraries, please. If you don’t want to utilize the library on Sunday because of your religious beliefs, that is fine. However, as an elected trustee, you do not have the right to impose your personal beliefs on the users of the Community Library Network system.

January 19, 2024 1 a.m.

NIC BOARD MAJORITY: Making frivolous decisions

Frivolous, as defined by the dictionary “not having any serious purpose or value.” Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner, the three KCRCC rated and vetted elected trustees who are currently the majority on the NIC board of trustees and their two lawyers, who they seem to esteem, have had yet another exercise in frivolity that was a waste of taxpayer time and money.

May 12, 2024 1 a.m.

NIC: Can’t shop for accreditation

I don’t know what Don Thompson found so offensive on the NWCCU website in his recent letter to the editor. Perhaps reading through the website would help understand the purpose of accreditation standards and the role of NWCCU.

Library books policies to headline next CLN meeting
October 28, 2023 1:06 a.m.

Library books policies to headline next CLN meeting

Policies for acquiring, deselecting and reconsidering library materials will be the main subjects of discussion when the Community Library Network's board of trustees holds a special meeting at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Post Falls Library.

State Board blocks Durst’s emergency path to superintendency
September 14, 2023 2:13 p.m.

State Board blocks Durst’s emergency path to superintendency

The State Board of Education ended Branden Durst’s quest to become the certified superintendent of West Bonner, declining to consider his application for an emergency provisional administrator’s certificate.

NIC unveils proposed FY2025 budget
April 25, 2024 1:07 a.m.

NIC unveils proposed FY2025 budget

North Idaho College trustees took a first look at the proposed budget for fiscal year 2025 and examined options for how to cover an anticipated net deficit of $5.2 million.

Rumpler sues North Idaho College, trustees
February 24, 2024 1:09 a.m.

Rumpler sues North Idaho College, trustees

Laura Rumpler, North Idaho College’s former chief communications officer, is suing the college, alleging trustees violated the terms of her employment contract and Idaho’s employment laws and deprived her of due process rights.

September 30, 2023 midnight

Legals for September, 30 2023

June 15, 2024 midnight

Legals for June, 15 2024

December 29, 2023 1 a.m.

Editorial: Cost of bad leadership piling up at NIC

Trustee majority poster children for fiscal irresponsibility

September 13, 2023 1 a.m.

PATTERSON: False information

I don't know what is worse — the fact that Anne Patterson can't spell Brad Corkill's name correctly or that she believes Art Macomber can give an accurate history of the backstory of NIC's issues?

July 12, 2023 1 a.m.

NIC: Banducci, McKenzie should step down

Thank you, Coeur d’Alene Press and Kaye Thornbrugh, for your thorough coverage of the ongoing and disheartening situation at North Idaho College. Thankfully, once again, the college has been provided a temporary delay in its seemingly inevitable path toward losing accreditation. As today’s article succinctly states, “North Idaho College’s accreditation is not in jeopardy due to problems with academics or finances but because of governance issues on the board of trustees that stretch back to 2020.”

July 12, 2023 1 a.m.

LIBRARY NETWORK: Small libraries could be closed

Community Library Network district manager, Alexa Eccles, stated at a recent special trustee meeting that the smaller libraries (Harrison was mentioned) might be closed and other locations may have reduced hours in order to balance the 2024 budget.

Back-to-school apples for teachers
September 6, 2023 1:08 a.m.

Back-to-school apples for teachers


December 26, 2023 midnight

Legals for December, 26 2023

Live: North Idaho College trustees meet
April 24, 2024 5:36 p.m.

Live: North Idaho College trustees meet

North Idaho College trustees convened at 5 p.m. to decide whether to enter executive session in order to discuss a lawsuit filed by former NIC employee Laura Rumpler, as well as an unspecified personnel matter.

NIC remains on show-cause status
March 2, 2024 1 a.m.

NIC remains on show-cause status

North Idaho College remains accredited, though it will continue to operate under a show-cause sanction until spring 2025.

CLN to break from ALA, continues policy work
September 9, 2023 1:09 a.m.

CLN to break from ALA, continues policy work

Community Library Network Director Alexa Eccles read an overview of censorship as provided by the Idaho Commission on Libraries as she and the board of trustees held a special meeting Friday morning. "Censorship is the suppression of ideas and information that certain persons, individuals, groups or government officials find objectionable or dangerous," she read. "It is no more complicated than saying, 'Don't let anyone read this book or buy that magazine or view that film because I object to it."