Friday, July 26, 2024

Live: North Idaho College trustees meet

Staff Report | April 24, 2024 5:36 PM

7:48 p.m.

Though overall headcount is down about 4% compared to last spring, the number of first-time, degree-seeking students has increased by about 13% at NIC.

“For the first time in a long time, our new student enrollment is up,” NIC President Nick Swayne said. “Based on early reports, we’re expecting flat for the first time for fall, maybe even an uptick.”

Vicki Isakson, dean of instruction for workforce training, said this is the first time NIC has seen such an increase since 2020.

The spring 2024 headcount is 3,801 students, with a full-time equivalency of 2,182 students. About 32% of those students — just shy of 1,300 — are dual-enrolled high school students.

Idaho residents make up 89% of the student population. Of those, 69% are Kootenai County residents.

6:24 p.m.

Close to 100 people have gathered in the Lake Coeur d’Alene Room in the Student Union Building on NIC’s main campus for the open session.

Waggoner acknowledged the college’s mounting legal bills. On the agenda tonight is an item titled “controlling legal costs.”

“One of my primary focuses has been to reduce the threat of more litigation while also spending relatively small amounts on legal advice,” he said.

5:27 p.m.

North Idaho College trustees convened at 5 p.m. to decide whether to enter executive session in order to discuss a lawsuit filed by former NIC employee Laura Rumpler, as well as an unspecified personnel matter.

“In consultation with the president and general counsel regarding the Rumpler litigation, we requested a written report in executive session briefing from panel counsel,” board chair Mike Waggoner said, reading from a statement. “Panel counsel is standing by to update the board on his progress, provide a preliminary analysis report. The president had raised several issues that the board needs to deliberate on and decide how it would like to proceed.”

Four votes are needed to enter executive session. Both votes failed 3-2, with Trustees Tarie Zimmerman and Brad Corkill voting against. The board will reconvene at 6 p.m.