Saturday, May 04, 2024
Courtesy photo
The Sting Timbers 04 Boys Red soccer team bested the Boise Nationals in a shootout in their final game to take third at the recent Idaho State Cup. Shootout goals were scored by Noah Janzen, Joseph Sarkis, Kohrt Weber and Andon Brandt. Kael McGowan blocked 2 shots in goal to end the shootout 4-2. In regular tournament play goals were scored by Alex Reyes-2 and Tyler Gasper-1 on an assist by Kohrt Weber. Devyn Ivankovich and Kael McGowan teamed in goal over the weekend. In the front row from left are Noah Janzen, Nicholas Mason, Sean Dremann, Andon Brandt, Tyler Gasper, Joseph Sarkis, Bryce Allred and Patrick Du; and back row from left, coach Kasey Laffoon, Kohrt Weber, Evan Lowder, Evan Brinkmeier, Malachi Hutchens-Cohen, Zak Wenglikowski, Kael McGowan, Devyn Ivankovich, Jack Shrontz, Jameson Elliot, Cole Daricek, Alex Reyes and manager Teresa Janzen.

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Basketball, and football
June 6, 2018 1 a.m.

Basketball, and football