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Letters to the Editor
Letters Policy. The Press encourages letters as a means for readers to share opinions and feedback about local and regional news and events. However, letters will not be published if they include profane, obscene language or if they promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Letters must not exceed 275 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime phone number (not for publication) or they will not be published. Please submit letters to:, or mail to Readers Write, The Press, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.
ELECTION: Vote for Davis, Saterfiel and McAndrew
I am voting for Alan Davis for Hayden mayor, Roger Saterfiel, Hayden city council and Jimmy McAndrew, Coeur d’Alene School District trustee Zone 2 as they have proven to me they have the experience and best interes…
ELECTION: Vote for Gibbons, Griffin, Schroeder or Cassidy
Many Shoshone News-Press readers will remember my wife and I as longtime residents of Kellogg and the Silver Valley. Five years ago, we chose to move from Kellogg to Coeur d’Alene due to health care concerns and ot…
PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Solutions suggested
Could there be any greater warnings than the status of our Kootenai County public schools? ‘Something is wrong with the System? (Sept. 26 in the Coeur d’Alene Press) Presently, a large percentage of our kids ‘gradu…
ELECTION: Vote for Tenbrink
This weekend I met Heather Tenbrink, a conservative, who is running for Coeur d’Alene Public Schools trustee in Zone 3. Ms. Tenbrink was articulate and focused on the needs of our schools and community. Heather is …
ELECTION: Vote for Griffin, Schroeder and Gibbons
Do not let our School District be held hostage to the political divisiveness we’ve seen in West Bonner County School District and the NIC board. I have lived in the Silver Valley for 50+ years. I support our public…
IDAHO LEGISLATORS: Are doing what is right
Ethel Steinmetz Marmont’s article of Oct. 21 regarding abortion is stating that women’s reproductive rights are at risk, suffering inequality and is a form of violence against women.
ELECTION: Vote for Houser
We’ve had a front row seat to witness Pam Houser’s dedication and commitment to the Kootenai County Fire and Rescue Commission and to the citizens KCFR serves.
PERSECUTION: Or projection?
Does this sound familiar? “We won’t wear your masks!” “No vaccines for me!” “You’re not taking away my freedom!”
NIC: Lawyers should have answer to Banducci question
At the Sept. 27 NIC Board of Trustees meeting, Todd Banducci asked the question “If you have the formula on how to buy out a president’s contract, please bring it to me, or bring it to us, OK?.”
ELECTION: Vote for Lamb
Who has the time and leadership to serve as mayor of Rathdrum?
VOTER GUIDE: One page most useful
Thank you for the voter guide. The most valuable, and only thing I need, is page 44, the KCRCC endorsements. Now I know who not to vote for.
ELECTION: Vote for Knutson
After attending Coeur d’Alene City Council meetings this year, it’s clear we need a new voice for Seat 5, currently held by Dan English. We advocated for a thoughtful approach to responsible development in Coeur d’…
Bjerke on 40 percent of Idaho’s budget comes from federal money, I guess to relieve us is raise taxes 40 percent to not take that money huh … what is there left to cut that hasn’t been cut as Idaho really doesn’t h…
ELECTION: Vote for McAndrew
As a recipient of a K-12+ Idaho public education, I will vote for a school board trustee who supports public education and the longevity of SD 271. I have concerns that far-right, ultra-conservative KCRCC-backed ca…
ELECTION: Vote for Saterfiel and Davis
It’s a pretty sad day when people feel they have to remove political signs no matter who’s they are. The signs on Honeysuckle and Fourth/Strahorn for Roger Saterfiel and Alan Davis (screwed in too) have been replac…