Thursday, October 10, 2024

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$20M  for Lake CDA health
May 6, 2022 1:07 a.m.

$20M for Lake CDA health

Little announces investments in state water qualtiy

Water quality money

OPINION: Attorney General Labrador has no business meddling in election security
March 7, 2024 11:29 a.m.

OPINION: Attorney General Labrador has no business meddling in election security

House Bill 470 would create an “Office of Election Crimes and Security” in Raul Labrador’s office. That would certainly be a waste of taxpayer dollars. The office staff would have little to do because Idaho elections have historically been fair and honest. The Attorney General’s sidekick, Dorothy Moon, who now chairs the extremist branch of the GOP, was never able to prove her wild claims that Canadians were coming over the border to vote in Idaho elections. The fraud claims of their friend, the My Pillow guy, were proven false. Where is the need for this new office?

July 4, 2011 9 p.m.

A dead 'La Nina' should mean a hotter and drier summer season and less snow next winter

Weather Gems

According to our sea-surface temperature expert, Randy Mann, both Japanese and Australian scientists have stated recently that 'La Nina,' the cooler than normal event in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, has finally "bitten the dust."

June 15, 2011 9 p.m.

Vintages: Review and preview

We have started to see some of the wines from the troubled 2010 vintage here in our market so it seems a good time to update you the consumers on what we think of the wines so far. Last year was one of the worst recent vintages for all of the western appellations with California experiencing the coldest summer in 50 years, followed by an intense four-day fall heat wave, and the Northwest experiencing an early cool down in the fall. This for both areas led to long hang time, but slow or no ripening followed by early rains that caused many of the varietal crops in California to rot on the vine ultimately being dropped and never harvested.

February 6, 2013 8 p.m.


Every year around this time Mary heads off to the market to find the latest in merchandise for the shop for the coming spring and summer season. Every few years she goes to the market in New York, widely regarded as one of the best show in the States, and periodically I tag along. This year I did help "shop" some at the show, but my real purpose is to go back and meet with some customers, but also it is a great opportunity to see new trends in the wine world.

April 9, 2012 9 p.m.

Winter is still hanging on in China, Alaska, Scotland, Japan, Western Canada and the northwestern U.S.

Weather Gems

While thousands of cities east of the Rockies to the Atlantic Coastline saw their warmest March temperatures in recorded history, it was a vastly different weather scenario west of the Conti-nental Divide northward into Alaska and westward all the way into China, one wide meteorological 'extreme' to the other, no middle ground in temperatures.

April 29, 2013 9 p.m.

We still have 'La Nada,' but it may be 'La Nina' later this year

Weather Gems

Since the early portion of 2013, sea-surface temperatures along the South American coastline and the Equatorial regions were slightly cooler than normal. In late February and early March, ocean temperatures were warming and that was starting to look like the formation of a new El Nino. We're still in a La Nada, the in-between cooler La Nina and warmer El Nino. But, most computer forecast models are now leaning toward a new La Nina by the fall season.

July 6, 2015 9 p.m.

The hottest 10 days, including June 28, since 1895

Weather Gems

If you thought that last Sunday's all-time record high of 105 degrees for the month of June was likewise one of the 10 hottest days in Coeur d'Alene's 120 years of weather observations since 1895, you were RIGHT!

Hough chapter closes in Roosevelt history book
March 4, 2021 1 a.m.

Hough chapter closes in Roosevelt history book

Cd'A inn sells for $3 million

John and Tina Hough sell Roosevelt Inn for $3 million

July 22, 2019 1 a.m.

Lums handle Northern Lakes for state berth

COEUR d’ALENE — Patience paid off in a big way for the Coeur d’Alene Lumbermen on Sunday afternoon.

October 13, 2021 1 a.m.

Study: Idaho obesity rate for kids among nation's lowest

CDA district takes steps to be sure students eat well, exercise

Obesity rates in Idaho 13.3%

From farm to table: Fifth graders experience agriculture at Kootenai County Fairgrounds
May 16, 2024 1:06 a.m.

From farm to table: Fifth graders experience agriculture at Kootenai County Fairgrounds

Smiles and laughter abounded Wednesday morning as human kids met goat kids.

Stewart-Haas turn 1-2 gem at New Hampshire
July 19, 2011 9 p.m.

Stewart-Haas turn 1-2 gem at New Hampshire

Team's drivers on the verge of making the Chase

LOUDON, N.H. - Tony Stewart called New Hampshire a perfect weekend for his organization. And with good reason.

February 13, 2010 11 p.m.

How to get customers to beat down your door

A great product doesn't sell itself, as just about any businessperson who has built a better mousetrap can attest. Effective marketing is a critical factor in priming the pump and selling the customer long before the product is actually in his or her hands.

June 29, 2011 6:17 a.m.

Gas prices all over the place in Idaho

BOISE -  Theoretically, gas is gas, but for now at least where you live in the Gem State may have more to do with what you pay at the pump, according to AAA Idaho.

Solitude on the steelhead rivers
December 28, 2017 midnight

Solitude on the steelhead rivers

When winter hits, Mike Beard doesn’t fret a lot about ice conditions. He knows what parts of his waters to stay away from, and where the getting is good.

The joy of the Oscars getting it right
February 18, 2020 2:29 p.m.

The joy of the Oscars getting it right

Maybe we should have seen it coming.

Ranking Adam Sandler’s Netflix output, including ‘Bat Mitzvah’
September 9, 2023 1 a.m.

Ranking Adam Sandler’s Netflix output, including ‘Bat Mitzvah’

At the start of Adam Sandler’s long-running deal with Netflix, many (me included) criticized the actor for making too many lazy, unfunny comedies. His first Netflix effort, Western spoof, “The Ridiculous 6,” made for such an easy target.

November 17, 2015 8 p.m.

State leaders: No more refugees

Otter joins other governors in asking to stop resettlements

BOISE (AP) — Gov. Butch Otter is among a growing number of mainly Republican governors calling for the immediate halt of resettling new refugees until vetting rules can be reviewed and state concerns about the program can be addressed.

June 29, 2015 9 p.m.

Our planet's aquifers are running dry

Weather Gems

As I wrote this article on Wednesday, June 24, we hadn't had a drop of rain in Coeur d'Alene in more than three full weeks. Some of our streams at the end of June had water levels at 100-year lows. Dozens of forest and brush fires were burning from Alaska southward to Mexico. Record triple-digit high temperatures were in the local outlook for this weekend's "Ironman" event, not a pretty picture weatherwise.