Friday, July 05, 2024

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Marty and Max: Real Estate Recipes
September 29, 2023 1 a.m.

Marty and Max: Real Estate Recipes

Today we will discuss two ways to buy an actively marketed home at a bargain, where you actually want to live.

April 14, 2010 10 p.m.

BUILDING: Rip-off to the taxpayers

The new 17,000 sq. ft. building is set to break ground this month for $4,000,000 of your tax dollars (including land), in Post Falls.

April 15, 2020 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — DR. WAYNE M. FICHTER: Get out!

There is a lot of misinformation floating around right now about the coronavirus. Doctors and scientists are still learning about how the infection works and the best ways to treat it, plus everyone wants to protect themselves, so it only makes sense that people will try just about anything to help themselves, be it proven or not.

JUDD JONES: Medicinal teas
September 18, 2018 2:23 p.m.

JUDD JONES: Medicinal teas

We are sneaking up on colder weather and the cold and flu season. One of your best options, if you’re feeling off or run down, is medicinal teas. There are so many teas to choose from that cover various wellness aspects it makes tea one of the very best alternative health drinks.

Europe gropes for crisis fix, bond buys pushed
June 21, 2012 9:15 p.m.

Europe gropes for crisis fix, bond buys pushed

BRUSSELS - Europe's leaders are grasping for ideas to halt their government debt crisis ahead of a series of top-level meetings over the next 10 days. The latest: Using their emergency bailout funds to buy up government bonds on the open market.

August 10, 2013 9 p.m.

Eating raw whole foods as a first step

In last week's column I started a review of nutritional information and the aspects of finding a healthy nutrition plan that works for you. The three key areas that can make or break good nutrition are related to eating habits, discipline or self-control and our nutritional requirements based on our activity level.

November 28, 2020 1 a.m.

Those who profit should pay for growth

Here's one solution to Kootenai County's growth problem.

California governor issues statewide stay-at-home order
March 19, 2020 9:26 p.m.

California governor issues statewide stay-at-home order


December 17, 2014 8 p.m.

Antibiotics: Friend or foe? Part II

Germs are becoming increasingly more resistant to our antibiotics, and as a result, stronger, more potentially dangerous antibiotics are necessitated. Keep in mind that any drug, whether by prescription or over the counter (OTC) has potentially serious side effects, and should be utilized only after researching the risks, including toxicity as a result of its consumption. Antibiotics - and OTC's, because they're given out like candy - often miss the scrutiny given to other medications by wise consumers, but pose potentially serious side effects when misused.

June 20, 2010 9 p.m.

An insight into Insight

DEAR DR. GOTT: Thank heavens for your Web site, since I can get a very important question out to you immediately without using snail mail. While watching the news last evening, I heard about a test kit I can purchase over the counter that will indicate a possible genetic predisposition to such medical problems as Parkinson's disease and heart trouble. I was informed the kit will cost up to $30, and once a saliva specimen is sent in to the laboratory, the testing will begin at an additional expense of up to $437.

March 9, 2013 8 p.m.

Eating raw foods revisited

I was recently asked a good question by a friend. What was the most significant change to my diet in the last four years? It got me thinking, "wow" so many changes how do I qualify the one change with the biggest impact?

January 16, 2013 8 p.m.

Hacking away at pneumonia

Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor drugs prescribed to treat hypertension are known to produce a dry, hacking cough as a side effect in some cases, which leads many to switch to another medication. As it turns out, however, this drug-induced, persistent cough may provide a benefit that may have some patients thinking twice about switching to other blood-pressure-lowering medications.

July 27, 2020 10:51 a.m.

Montana has more than 350 COVID cases, 1 death over weekend

Montana testing confirmed more than 350 cases of COVID-19 over the weekend while the state reported its 47th death due to the respiratory virus

Worried sick over canine flu?
April 26, 2015 9 p.m.

Worried sick over canine flu?

Tips to help protect your pup
Online posts falsely claim census response will lead to cash
March 23, 2020 12:13 p.m.

Online posts falsely claim census response will lead to cash

CHICAGO (AP) — You won't get a check in the mail for filling out this year's census as claims circulating on social media suggest.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — The dangers of pain medications and safer alternatives
February 8, 2023 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — The dangers of pain medications and safer alternatives

Are there alternatives to the sometimes dangerous long term use of pain meds? Absolutely! Pain meds, prescription and over the counter (OTC) pain/anti-inflammatory meds, can be very helpful for short term use. Long-term use frequently results in addictions and side effects that can have lasting effects, as well as premature death.

At what cost?
December 19, 2014 8 p.m.

At what cost?

Constantly changing online prices stump shoppers

NEW YORK - Online shopping has become as volatile as stock market trading. Wild, minute-by-minute price swings on everything from clothes to TVs have made it difficult for holiday shoppers to "buy low."

Retailers getting desperate
October 20, 2011 9 p.m.

Retailers getting desperate

Free necklaces and shipping for holiday shoppers?

NEW YORK - Retailers are so desperate this holiday season that they're willing to lose money to get you to spend yours.

July 29, 2020 11:20 a.m.

Montana announces 2 more COVID-19 deaths

Montana has announced two more deaths due to COVID-19, bringing the total number of deaths related to the respiratory virus in the state to 54