Tuesday, October 08, 2024

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January 29, 2016 8 p.m.

CAROUSEL: Park it at McEuen

The Carousel would fit in real nice at McEuen Park. The “Coney Island” carnival light in McEuen Park is a disaster. It just doesn’t fit with OUR NATURAL BEAUTY. We love the ambiance of our outdoors, pine trees, the lake, eagles and osprey. The people of Coeur d’Alene are proud of our scenic beauty and that is one reason people move here.

February 8, 2017 midnight

CARRIER: Kudos to Karen

We would like to thank Karen, our paper carrier, for an outstanding job very well done. She delivers both papers in the morning, is never late and is always very kind. We are both disabled and she makes sure that our papers are in the box and dry.

December 22, 2012 8 p.m.

Shooting: Gotta get more God

As we mourn the assault on Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and pray for the victims and the survivors, we also ask ourselves how this can happen in our nation. We ask over and over again "why does this happen?" We try to put the pieces together and make sense of it. Over, and over again, "how can people do this to people let alone children?" Well, I think I have the answer.

November 12, 2014 8 p.m.

We need better support for our teachers

Teaching is one of the most honorable professions a person could ever occupy. To be a teacher means to be a humble servant to the next generation and beyond. Ever since I can remember I wanted to be a teacher. The excitement it brings when you see a young child's face light up when they learn a new word or how to solve a math equation is incredibly rewarding. Just ask a teacher! Teachers play such an important role in the lives of our children, a role that should not be taken lightly; after all, the children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow.

December 14, 2018 midnight

Here's a strategy for healthier students

Are we failing or just falling down in our ability to provide our children with clean food and healthy nourishment at school?

March 15, 2020 1 a.m.

Community Thanks

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the community for supporting Growing the STEM’s Trivia Night: Battle for the Schools on March 5, to raise funds for our after-school math and science programs. We are grateful for the many teachers, administrators and parents who put together school teams to support this cause.

November 13, 2020 1 a.m.

ELECTION: The path forward

As I read the letters of frustration and accusation from well-meaning people, I can’t help but feel that we have in many ways lost our way and voices of reason have no purchase in the conversations.

May 20, 2011 10 p.m.

RINK: Real asset for community

The LCDC/KYRO partnership is a win-win for our community.

October 27, 2010 10 p.m.

SANDERS: Fences make bad neighbors

Is this serious? Allowing homeowners to put fences on Sanders Beach will ruin one of our few expanses of beach here in beautiful Coeur d'Alene. The beach, even if it is private is a signature part of our town. Anyone that comes onto our lake as a tourist (who spends money here) will see this and think it is a trashy look to our wonderful lakeside properties.

October 24, 2010 10 p.m.

FIGHT: Proud to be a T-wolf

Thursday night proved to me why I made the right choice in having my son attend Lake City High School. In the closing seconds of the JV football game in Sandpoint a fight broke out on the Sandpoint sidelines when one of our players went out of bounds. Now the part that really shows the class of our school: Our coaches easily kept the players from crossing the field as they wanted to help their fallen player. The players on the field went over and removed all of our players before the coaches could really get there. These actions are not the typical reaction you get from a young man 15-16 years old unless they have been coached and taught discipline and teamwork. Hats off to Coach Troxel and the team he has working for him. I was impressed Thursday night.

May 14, 2011 10 p.m.

POWERS: Ideal for today, future

I write this letter in support of Stephanie Powers for the Coeur d'Alene School District trustee from Zone 2. I have had the privilege to know Stephanie for many years. She has been active in the leadership of several PTO groups; she has been listening to the parents of our kids. Her years in the PTOs have given her a broader perspective of the direction that the parents of our students wish the district to pursue.

February 3, 2012 8 p.m.

SPENDING: No such thing as free money

Kootenai County has been applying for and winning a lot of grants. At first blush, this looks like a good thing because then the taxpayers of Kootenai County don't have to foot the bill for needed expenses. When a person looks at the things our commissioners have requested grants to build however, believing they are needed is lunacy. 

January 6, 2012 8 p.m.

STOLEN: Unique reindeer, come home

I just wanted to personally thank the thieves who stole our Christmas reindeer out of our front yard the last day of December. We are an older couple on a limited income, and we both have medical issues, but in spite of that we work very hard to make our yard fun and festive for the holidays for the whole neighborhood to enjoy.

December 7, 2016 8 p.m.

PARK: Nightmare awaits

We are writing in regard to a proposal that we heard about last week. It is being proposed that a 500-acre motor event park be built on public land off Tweet and Good Hope in Athol. We live just a short distance from here on 25 acres. We bought in this area two years ago to have peace, quiet and wildlife near our home. If this proposal goes through, we will lose out on all of this. There are many homes in this area and I don’t know of anyone who would enjoy hearing motor events this close to our homes. This would cause a lot of noise, traffic and destruction to our area. The wildlife would never return and we would lose our serenity that we enjoy and paid for.

April 3, 2015 9 p.m.

MILFOIL: Lakes have bigger foe

Many of our lakes (including Fernan) have had record algae blooms. Algae wrecks spawning habitat, poisons to humans and animals, and carries the ATCV-1 virus that lowers cognition. It is especially dangerous for our children and pets. Milfoil, on the other hand, is a weed that can make navigation difficult.

February 12, 2017 midnight

GREEN: Only way to go

I read with appreciation the Weekly Weather Almanac by Mr. Harris and Mr. Mann on Feb. 6. While clearly laying out a case for the normal climatic cycles of our planet over the past few thousand years, they also clearly indicated that they believe we should “go green” whenever and wherever possible to help offset mankind’s activities on our planet. Over the years, my family has attempted to minimize our obvious negative impacts on Idaho’s incredible water, air, land and wildlife. Why? Very simply, it is in our common interest to conserve these resources, use them wisely when needed, clean up the mess we leave behind, and maintain or even enhance their exceptional quality for future generations to enjoy.

January 27, 2019 midnight

PLOWED: And not pleased

“Hayden officials” have stated in The Press that my property, as shown in a picture in the newspaper, “isn’t even in Hayden.” I most definitely am in the city of Hayden, as our tax bill confirms, and am much further south than stated in Mr. Soderling’s weak response. And, as Mr. Soderling may have been implying, we did not, I repeat, did not build the pile in my picture. I most definitely observed our snow plows pile that snow up in front our property on Tuesday morning.

June 28, 2019 1 a.m.

BUILDING: Neighbors oppose razing it

An Open Letter to our mayor, City Council and county commissioners:

April 12, 2023 1 a.m.

KUDOS: To our legislators

Our state legislators have stepped up to increase state funding for public schools by $378.5 million. Kudos for approving $6,359 for all teachers across the state.

September 4, 2022 1 a.m.

NIC: Time to put the trust back in trustee

North Idaho College, our community college by the lake for 89 years, has been a shining gem for Idaho higher education.