Monday, October 28, 2024

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March 2, 2010 11 p.m.

1 in 4 parents buys unproven vaccine-autism link

CHICAGO - One in four U.S. parents believes some vaccines cause autism in healthy children, but even many of those worried about vaccine risks think their children should be vaccinated.

November 28, 2012 8:54 p.m.

Father hopes to provide Christmas for kids

After his wife died suddenly last spring, this father of four thought things couldn't become more difficult for his family.

Seeking a 'miracle'
December 23, 2012 8 p.m.

Seeking a 'miracle'

Mom trying to improve family's quality of life

This mom is struggling to create a better life for children and herself.

April 18, 2010 9 p.m.

Earth Day 2010

Making green connections

This year, on April 22, people around the globe will celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. More than just another half-hearted holiday marked by greeting cards and candy, Earth Day is rooted in a deep sense of environmental responsibility that bridges borders worldwide. It was founded in 1970 and has gained momentum ever since, inspiring awareness and appreciation for the land, air and water we all share. On a global scale, Earth Day ignites improvements in environmental policies and legislation. On a smaller and more personal level, it serves as a reminder that each of us can make one small change today that will contribute to greener generations to come.

November 2, 2011 9 p.m.

A fall full of wine events

Fall is our favorite time of year, and it is not just the crisp days, wonderful colors and football that we enjoy so much but also the great events in the wine industry. While the 2011 harvest has been less than joyful in wine country, the cool growing season and early rains have resulted in lengthening harvest and crush. We have heard from many of our customers who have recently traveled to California and the wine growing regions of Washington and Idaho that there is still a lot of fruit hanging, so if you have never seen "the crush" or if you have and liked it there is still time to strike out to the vineyards, and witness this annual ritual firsthand.

Ailing mother fears the worst
December 17, 2012 8 p.m.

Ailing mother fears the worst

This mother said she wonders if this Christmas will be her last with her children, a 12-year-old boy and a girl, 20.

February 13, 2010 11 p.m.

Riding the road to recovery

Fundraiser helps toward purchase of bike for wounded officer Kralicek

COEUR d'ALENE - A Coeur d'Alene police officer who is still recovering more than five years after being shot in the line of duty a few days after Christmas will get a gift to help with that recovery, thanks to help from the community he was helping to protect.

June 25, 2010 11:03 a.m.

Restaurant serves lion burgers despite protests

A restaurant owner who put lion burgers on the menu in honor of the World Cup has felt a roar of anger from outraged animal rights activists.

April 28, 2012 9 p.m.

What's Ahead

December 6, 2012 8 p.m.

Mom wants better Christmas for husband and daughter

This mom became unable to continue working after becoming seriously ill from blood poisoning. A wound on her foot had become infected and it spread to the bone.

Even less for jobless
March 29, 2013 9 p.m.

Even less for jobless

Idaho reducing extended unemployment benefits, due to federal cuts

POST FALLS - Amy Szafransky remembers exactly what she thought, when she opened the letter announcing that her extended unemployment benefits would be reduced.

June 5, 2016 9 p.m.

Following the new housing

Business Bits

A lot of the “new” business action continues to shift in the direction of the new housing developments to the north and west.

December 2, 2016 8 p.m.

CFA applicants share their hardships

The Kootenai County residents in need who ask Press Christmas for All for holiday help are asked, when they fill out their applications, to describe their situations and explain why they need assistance this Christmas season.

December 21, 2014 8 p.m.

Illnesses plague family's attempt to bounce back

Christmas For All

She thought this Christmas would be better than last year's holiday, when her family was living in a homeless shelter.

Gun holster maker firing on all cylinders
April 25, 2015 9 p.m.

Gun holster maker firing on all cylinders

Local product offers a way to conceal in comfort

HAYDEN - Thomas Tedder's wife kicked him out of the kitchen five years ago for dabbling in making gun holsters so he went instead to his dilapidated shed.

Best films of the Northwest and beyond
January 29, 2018 11:43 a.m.

Best films of the Northwest and beyond

Local, national and international filmmakers converge at the 20th annual Spokane International Film Festival (SpIFF), running Feb. 2 to 9 at Spokane’s Bing Crosby and Magic Lantern theaters.

Not enough homes to sell? Then build some
August 27, 2018 1:38 p.m.

Not enough homes to sell? Then build some

The owners of Windermere Coeur d’Alene Realty are building three Kootenai County neighborhoods.

Crossing the border
September 3, 2017 1 a.m.

Crossing the border

From a visual perspective, nothing really changes when you drive across the Idaho border and into Washington state.

Robert Clinton Foster
March 10, 2021 1 a.m.

Robert Clinton Foster

Robert Clinton Foster passed away peacefully on March 6, 2021, at the family home

AP PHOTOS: Virus redefines respecting personal space
March 18, 2020 8:04 a.m.

AP PHOTOS: Virus redefines respecting personal space

ROME (AP) — Social distancing could qualify as an oxymoron in Italy, where walking arm-in-arm with friends, kissing neighbors in greeting and patting the heads of babies are part of the demonstrative culture.