Sunday, October 06, 2024

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The power of change: A message from your chair
February 4, 2024 1:06 a.m.

The power of change: A message from your chair

As we embark on this exciting journey into 2024, I am thrilled to share with you the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for our businesses and our community. As your new chairman of the board, I am honored to lead our collaborative efforts toward a year of innovation, growth, and unparalleled value for our members.

August 3, 2012 9 p.m.

CARTOON: No laughing matter

I and many of my friends find the cartoon “Useful and Wasteful Spending” next to the Editorial on page A4 on July 27 reprehensible and disgustingly offensive. At 80 years of age and once a military man, as many of my friends are and were, I cannot believe that our society and culture could exist without the powerful military and defense programs implemented and exercised during our entire history as a nation and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to preserve it.

March 23, 2012 9 p.m.

ISSUES: Don't miss the big ones

I attended the town hall meeting at the Hayden City Hall on March 17 and was completely amazed at the questions to our representatives and senator. There were questions of animal torture, abortion, drug testing welfare recipients, texting while driving and workplace breaks, which dominated the night.

December 22, 2013 8 p.m.

HOSPICE: Counselors bid fond farewell

As former bereavement counselors at Hospice of North Idaho we would like our bereavement clients to know that we are concerned about your well-being especially during this difficult holiday season.

June 8, 2016 9 p.m.

THANKS: Volunteers step up

A group of about 40 volunteers from Real Life Community Church just completed a couple of service projects at Lakeland High School this morning. We can’t thank them enough for their help in improving our courtyard and cleaning up the landscaping around our gym. They approached us a couple of weeks ago asking if they could do anything to help our school. The two projects were mentioned and they eagerly accepted.

May 12, 2016 9 p.m.

AMADOR: He understands Idaho

Having lived in North Idaho for decades and as an employee of Post Falls Parks and Recreation, I am able to see the joy of our citizens as they participate in outdoor activities. At the same time, I recognize the economic impact of tourism and recreation in our area and value the outdoor experiences we are able to provide to those living in North Idaho and those who visit. As we move forward and vote this spring, let’s keep the assets of Idaho in mind. Let’s elect a representative who understands the value of recreation and the connection to economic vitality in our region.

March 10, 2023 1 a.m.


The environment that Coeur d’Alene Public Schools provided for me has played an influential role on who I am today.

March 27, 2022 1 a.m.

NIC: Demand strong leadership

The value and importance of the educational opportunities provided to our community by North Idaho College are legion.

August 7, 2024 1 a.m.

CHAIRS: Thanks for the help

I wish to thank a gentleman for retrieving our folding chairs that fell out of our truck on July 17 as we were on our way to our great-granddaughter’s T-ball game (ages 4 to 5 years old) heading north on U.S. 95 to a park on Lancaster Road.

North Idaho Business Journal: Feds playing games with Idaho agriculture
March 28, 2018 11:49 a.m.

North Idaho Business Journal: Feds playing games with Idaho agriculture

Washington politicians are taking aim at Idahoans once again. From our farmers, ranchers and dairymen to our technology workers. They are threatening the jobs of more than 128,000 Idahoans linked to agribusiness and thousands more in the tech sector. The stakes are too high not to speak up and tell those politicians to keep their hands off Idaho’s economic future and stop meddling with our families’ livelihoods.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Dallas Market: A retailer's paradise for sourcing unique gifts and wine accessories
June 26, 2024 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Dallas Market: A retailer's paradise for sourcing unique gifts and wine accessories

As the owner of The Dinner Party, I recently had the opportunity to attend the Dallas Market. This event is a gathering for retailers like myself, offering a vast array of products to source for our shops. While many may associate our store primarily with wine, we offer a vast array of home décor and gift items that pair perfectly with an array of tastes and budgets.

February 6, 2016 8 p.m.

A lesson in socialism

“...The choice between socialism and capitalism is the main social alternative of our age...there is no way to advance in the 21st Century without moving toward a higher form of social organization, to... Democratic Socialism.”

December 11, 2013 8 p.m.

MANDELA: A great connector

Nelson Mandela’s death was perfect timing. He was an anti-apartheid activist, and the very word apartheid means to be separate. We are all individual and different in our physical bodies, our mental abilities and our emotional reactions. Apparently, Mandela’s time he spent in prison showed him that there is another side to humanity: Our spirit.

November 21, 2014 8 p.m.

EAT: It's deer vs. predators

There has been lots of discussion in our area recently regarding the overpopulation of deer. Think on this: Eliminating (or at least trying to) predators such as wolves, who used to keep the population in check, and out of our neighborhoods/yards/gardens. It seems that those who most wish to rid us of these natural controllers are the same folks who want to wipe out the predators. If there is any sense to our continued disruption of our environment, I’m sure someone will respond and let me know what that is.

December 15, 2013 8 p.m.

3Cs: A gift that keeps giving

We at 3Cs hope that publication of our donation photo in The Press will help generate a lot more funds for your wonderful Christmas for All charity. What The Press does for our community this time of year (and all year through) is so heartwarming, and the 3Cs is honored to be a part of it.

May 20, 2012 9 p.m.

FIRE: Coming to the rescue

Friends, Neighbors, Firemen: THANK YOU! On Tuesday May 15 our pickup caught fire in our driveway. Thanks to some fast acting neighbors and friends who helped contain the fire and pulled our truck back from the garage, the only damage was to our truck. The Coeur d’Alene Fire Department quickly put the fire out and made sure all was safe.

August 2, 2019 1 a.m.

OPINIONS: Don't need to be nasty

Reading the Opinion page of the paper like I do every time it’s published — my first response was not good. We need to keep “hate” out of our responses and just focus on the positive side of our lives. I know it’s small in some people’s lives, but if we focus on the good stuff in our lives and pray for the bad stuff, our attitudes will get better. Try it. No — do it because it works.

March 5, 2023 1 a.m.


I would like to express my support for the Lakeland School District levies that will be on the ballot March 14. The future of our communities starts with our youth. The future Doctors, Mechanics, Electricians, IT Professionals, etc., will come from those that are in our schools today. It doesn’t matter if you have children in the system or not.

March 2, 2018 midnight

INTERFERENCE: Minding our business

It is past the time to put the Russian attempt to interfere in the political process of our country to rest and focus our attention on the conduct of our own. Thank God we can sleep tonight knowing we live in a country which would never attempt to interfere in the political process of another.