Monday, October 14, 2024

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October 29, 2016 10 p.m.

Pigs and candidates

“If you catch a pig in the poke, you better like pork!” An applicable idiom for the American electorate, who find themselves dismayed with the candidates who ended up in the ‘poque’ (French for bag), or in America’s case, on the roster this election cycle.

November 26, 2015 8 p.m.

Giving thanks for the Givers

The holiday season usually provides the time and inspiration for us to reflect on and appreciate the good fortune in our lives. We may donate money, food, or toys to a local charity; we may post daily expressions of gratitude on our social media accounts; we may take a moment to say a silent “thank you” for all that we have, particularly when confronted by news stories of suffering and despair.

April 8, 2015 9 p.m.

Public health: Building healthy communities

This week celebrates National Public Health. Each day focuses on a theme. Monday was "Raising the Grade," to spark talks about the health of our nation and measures of good health. Tuesday was "Starting from Zip," with the idea that the zip code may have a lot to do with health disparities. Today's theme is "Building Momentum," to celebrate efforts that have been made thus far as a commitment to America's public health. "Building Broader Connections" is the theme for tomorrow, stating that we cannot battle public health concerns on our own. Collaborating with community partners who have a stake in making an impact on public wellness will strengthen our efforts toward healthier communities. Friday celebrates the 20th year of National Public Health Week and accomplishments made in communities, but this day also creates awareness about the work that lies ahead.

March 14, 2017 1 a.m.

EPA as savior? No thank you

According to Ed Javorka as he writes in “My Turn” in Saturday's paper, without the centralized federal oversight, scientific expertise, and dollars from the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, our beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene is going to become a hazardous waste dump and all the million-dollar lakeside property owners should go ahead and sell now. President Trump has, “instigated a war against Coeur d'Alene and Kootenai County.”

July 26, 2018 2:47 p.m.

No headline

People tell me all the time that it’s harder to train people than dogs, and they’re absolutely right. Training humans requires just as much skill and appropriate anticipation as any dog, if not more so.

July 12, 2018 9:28 a.m.

Russia frustrates U.S. effort to squelch international breastfeeding

Thanks to Russian interference, the United States failed in an effort to strike a blow against mothers’ milk at a United Nations conference this spring. The New York Times reported on July 8 that the U.S. delegation to a World Health Assembly meeting tried unsuccessfully to water down a resolution supporting breastfeeding.

Aging population? Not a problem for hospital
March 11, 2018 midnight

Aging population? Not a problem for hospital

Editor’s note: This monthly column is a cooperative effort between The Press and Kootenai Health Foundation to explain how the hospital’s fundraising arm helps enhance medical care in the community.

February 26, 2020 midnight

The brain's effect on pain

New research in neuroscience shows a strong connection between your brain’s adaptability and your perception of physical or emotional pain. This ability of the brain to change and adapt is called neuroplasticity. Everyone experiences helpful neuroplasticity every day, where our nervous system learns and adapts. Riding a bike, driving home or even brushing our teeth are a few examples of helpful neuroplasticity. Your brain adapts to routine things which allows the nervous system to free it up so it is available to do other tasks.

Signs of hope for the future
January 4, 2020 midnight

Signs of hope for the future

What a perfectly wonderful start to the new year! The Jan. 1 front page of The Press shared many opinions/resolutions about our future from local “young” people, 13 to 30s. It was inspiring to hear so much good stuff.

February 3, 2020 10:52 a.m.

Idaho's Senators turn a blind eye to the rule of law

I have known both Mike Crapo and Jim Risch for about 4 decades. Both are intelligent men. Both are schooled in the rule of law. Mike Crapo had a strong moral compass when he entered service in the U.S. Senate. Jim Risch knows the difference between right and wrong. Both have turned a blind eye to the sacred rule of law that has so long set this great country apart from all others.

Community works together to prevent suicide
May 20, 2019 1 a.m.

Community works together to prevent suicide

Editor’s Note: First in a 3-part series

March 4, 2018 9 a.m.

Thinking about Idaho Day

On March 4, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill establishing the Idaho Territory. At that time, the Territory included large portions of Montana and Wyoming. By 1868, the Territory had been whittled down to its present somewhat awkward shape.

Tree Festival bears gifts to community
November 23, 2019 midnight

Tree Festival bears gifts to community

With the Kootenai Health Foundation’s Festival of Trees just days away, this seems a perfect opportunity to offer some information on the Foundation and the Festival of Trees. Even some people who grew up attending the Festival of Trees may not understand its purpose or how it differs from other fundraising work the Foundation undertakes throughout the year.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — How to hog-tie a llama
October 18, 2023 1 a.m.

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — How to hog-tie a llama

It started as a joke. In trying to come up with podcast ideas, I laughingly said “how about ‘How to Hog-Tie a Llama’!” It is now a podcast and an article!

OPINION: Democrats support diversity that doesn’t damage
January 11, 2023 1 a.m.

OPINION: Democrats support diversity that doesn’t damage

Democrats accept diversity. Our understanding is that individuals in our party range from Progressive Liberals to disaffected Republicans. We recognize that no one view is always correct.

Op-Ed: Decouple and reindustrialize
September 3, 2021 1 a.m.

Op-Ed: Decouple and reindustrialize

“BEEP!” This is the sound of one of my school’s AED heart-restarting devices, whose battery had run down. “BEEP!” Again, a few moments later.

MY TURN: From crisis to crisis with no loss of enthusiasm
August 6, 2022 1 a.m.

MY TURN: From crisis to crisis with no loss of enthusiasm

For more than two years, Kootenai Health has been in a state of crisis management; first with the COVID-19 pandemic response, then (and still) with a health care labor shortage, and now with related financial recovery. The idea of moving from one challenge to the next without loss of enthusiasm has been attributed to both Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill. Both leaders were famous for plain language and inspiring encouragement through difficult times.

Our Gem: Lake survey results are in
September 19, 2021 1 a.m.

Our Gem: Lake survey results are in

During the summer of 2021, the Our Gem Coeur d’Alene Lake Collaborative community lake perception survey received over 1,000 responses.

MY TURN: Response to Pastor Van Noy's guest column
January 19, 2024 1 a.m.

MY TURN: Response to Pastor Van Noy's guest column

Pastor Paul Van Noy has chosen the public forum to weigh in on my statements in The Press story “Leaders Look to 2024.” In the original article I indicated that I am concerned about the deterioration in the relationship between local government agencies and the faith community, and referenced a study series available by “Redeeming Babel” called “The After Party.”

OPINION: Hope & Freedom vs. Anger & Power
February 9, 2024 1 a.m.

OPINION: Hope & Freedom vs. Anger & Power

Ronald Reagan described America as a “shining city on a hill” and his farewell address exclaimed our best days are ahead. Ignoring the “America is in decline” crowd he chose to believe in our regenerative capacity and ability to change course. He looked at the world through a moral lens and led boldly, setting the stage for the fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union, giving hope and ultimately the opportunity for freedom to those who lived under the oppressive regimes. And he accomplished all of this with a Democrat controlled House of Representatives.