Thursday, October 24, 2024

2024 State Representative District 4, Seat B

2024 State Representative District 4, Seat B candidates Paula Marano and Elaine Price sit down with moderator Naomi Boutz to discuss their positions. Learn more about Proposition 1:,_Top-Four_Ranked-Choice_Voting_Initiative_(2024)
October 19, 2024


2024 State Senator District 5

2024 State Senator District 5 candidates Carl Bjerke and Adam Chapman sit down with moderator Lindsay Allen to discuss their positions. Learn more about Proposition 1:,_Top-Four_Ranked-Choice_Voting_Initiative_(2024)

October 19, 2024

2024 State Senator District 4

2024 State Senator District 4 candidates Carissa Hober and Ben Toews sit down with moderator Lindsay Allen to discuss their positions. Learn more about Proposition 1:,_Top-Four_Ranked-Choice_Voting_Initiative_(2024)

October 19, 2024

2024 State Senator District 3

2024 State Senator District 3 candidate Brian Seguin sits down with moderator Lindsay Allen to discuss his positions. Learn more about Proposition 1:,_Top-Four_Ranked-Choice_Voting_Initiative_(2024)

October 19, 2024


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:40:04
Lindsay Allen
Welcome to the 2024 General election meet the candidate forum. My name is Lindsay Allen and I am joined by Naomi Boutz. We will be your moderators for the 2024 Meet the Candidates series. This year's forum is sponsored by the Hagadone Media Group, Quicksilver Studios, and the Joint Public Policy Committee of the Coeur d'Alene regional, Hayden, Post Falls, and Rathdrum Chambers of Commerce in partnership with the Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls Press.

00:00:40:06 - 00:01:05:17
Lindsay Allen
This forum is intended to allow you, the voter, to hear from the candidates representing various Idaho state legislative and Kootenai County positions who will share their vision and policies to help inform your vote. Candidates will be given one minute to introduce themselves, then asked three questions with two minutes to respond to each question. Candidates will be allowed one minute for their closing statements.

00:01:05:18 - 00:01:49:01
Lindsay Allen
These forums provide a unique opportunity to connect with the candidate who seek to serve our community. By meeting our candidates one on one in a more casual environment, we aim to better inform Kootenai County voters about each candidate's point of view.

00:01:49:03 - 00:02:26:04
Naomi Boutz
Next up, we have state representative candidates for district four, seat B. We're going to start with Paula Marano. And we're going to let you do a one minute introduction.

Paula Marano
Thank you. Naomi. Thank you to the Coeur d'Alene Regional Chamber, as well as the Coeur d'Alene Press for sponsoring this candidate interview. It's a great opportunity for our constituency, to hear the, the candidates as well as the opportunity for some transparency.

00:02:26:08 - 00:02:55:02
Paula Marano
And also thank you to the listeners for civic engagement as well. Who am I? I am Paula Marano. I am seeking election for the office of Idaho House representative, and that is district four, seat B. This particular area represents Coeur d'Alene. Fernan Village, as well as some of Mullen Trail out in that area. This is an opportunity to serve and represent the people in district four.

00:02:55:04 - 00:03:32:00
Paula Marano
I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. I was married, for 52 years, and I, have, the great opportunity now to, represent, follow in the footsteps to serve the people, in, in Idaho as well as district four. I look forward to, representing some pillars that represent education as well as jobs and security, safety, those types of things that help bring community together.

00:03:32:03 - 00:04:09:21
Naomi Boutz
Thank you.

Paula Marano
Thank you.

Naomi Boutz
First question. What are the key challenges facing district four and how would you address them through legislative action? You have two minutes.

Paula Marano
Some of those challenges facing district four. Those are the pillars that I think I was starting to address. Have to do with education, public education. I'm well aware of some of the challenges will be facing different philosophies that focus on, for some vouchers as well as fully funding public education.

00:04:09:21 - 00:05:08:16
Paula Marano
As it stated in the Constitution, Idaho's constitution, and in addition, the safety and security civility I've been knocking on doors, people are sharing with me some of their top concerns. And it does have to do how we treat one another and, civilly talk to one another. In addition, the, few other concerns would focus on the, libraries, our school, not just the school libraries, but the recent legislation that was passed that compromises some or those individual rights that for people that would, like to read some books, have their children reading books that are public school as well as our, public libraries have been compromised in that fashion.

00:05:08:16 - 00:05:41:21
Paula Marano
So, I think that's a concern for a lot of people in our community. Oh, in addition, I think there was the child care program that was recently compromised. That is a concern for some of the folks in Idaho as far as our families and how they, for day care and especially those that have challenges with jobs and security and how their children are going to be cared for.

00:05:41:23 - 00:06:15:22
Naomi Boutz
Okay. Thank you. Legislators often receive input from advocacy groups and organizations. In addition to your constituents. How will you balance these perspectives when supporting our opening legislation? And what steps will you take to ensure transparency to your constituents?

Paula Marano
Good question. It's always wonderful to be endorsed and to have the support of different groups. However, I feel it's really important, just as important to be able to listen to our groups and and serving the people of Idaho.

00:06:15:23 - 00:06:42:01
Paula Marano
I think that's where the committees come into play. When you're serving on a particular legislative committee, say, the health and welfare, the education committee, the state affairs, so be it. There's an opportunity for testimony. And so there's different groups that come in, whether it be the lobbyist, whether it be the public, the everyday person, the ordinary person, the people whose doors I knocked on.

00:06:42:03 - 00:07:14:18
Paula Marano
They are the ones that I think we have a responsibility to listen to and, hear what they have to say. As part of a democracy of representative government is giving that opportunity to everyone. And then we have to make the tough decisions. And that's where we sit at the table, move into our caucus as well as move and come in to make a decision and how we better work together with that.

00:07:14:20 - 00:07:53:16
Naomi Boutz
Thank you. Last question. If proposition one passes, will you support it or will you vote to repeal it?

Paula Marano
Proposition one repeal or vote for it? Again, I think if the vote went to the people and they voted for it, I would I would adhere to the people's voice and and follow through. The reason for the initiative is not just this initiative, but initiatives, that the people have put something on the ballot.

00:07:53:18 - 00:08:20:14
Paula Marano
And I think in a respectful way, we have a right to listen to the voice of the people.

Naomi Boutz
Okay. Thank you. And now we're made it to your closing statement. So you have one minute to give your closing statement.

Paula Marano
Well, again, thank you, for this opportunity to meet with the people here in district four throughout Kootenai County.

00:08:20:16 - 00:08:46:09
Paula Marano
My background is vast as far as since living here for almost 48 years, that I have served in a variety of ways. And there's two ways to serve. You can serve the nonprofits, you can serve charitable organizations, but then also being able to serve government and help shape policy. The focus of my campaign of the People's Campaign does focus on building community together.

00:08:46:11 - 00:09:28:06
Paula Marano
And then doing that, I aim to, support what the Constitution says, what our government legislative, promise is to serve the people of Idaho. Doing that, I think it's important when families and neighborhoods, the jobs and the different environments and and education are connected and how we can better work together. So, in doing that, the values of respect, of dignity and trust, as well as the belief in having hope and one another, can help strengthen not just Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, but all of Idaho.

00:09:28:12 - 00:09:37:15
Naomi Boutz
Thank you.

Paula Marano
Thank you.

Naomi Boutz
Thank you for being here.

00:10:24:00 - 00:10:45:10
Naomi Boutz
Next up, we have State Representative district for seat B candidate and incumbent Elaine Price. Welcome, Elaine. Why don't you start off by giving us a one minute introduction?

Elaine Price
First of all, thank you for having me. And thank you for doing this. I think it's a great opportunity to get in front of the constituents. Like she said, my name is Elaine Price.

00:10:45:10 - 00:11:19:13
Elaine Price
I am the current state representative for district four seat B, I am married, I have four children, one grandchild and one on the way. I lived in Coeur d'Alene for roughly 34 years. That has gone by way too fast. And my husband and I own a small business here in Coeur d'Alene. I think I have represented it, represented North Idaho very well in the last two years that I've been here, and I look forward to continuing that when I am reelected.

00:11:19:19 - 00:11:53:16
Naomi Boutz
Thank you. As incumbent. What do you see the key challenges facing district four and how would you address them through legislative action?

Elaine Price
I think one of the, big things down in Boise is Boise is a lot different than North Idaho. So North Idaho values are not really represented down in Boise. So as the incumbent, that was that is something that I'm going to continue to focus on to make sure that North Idaho is represented.

00:11:53:16 - 00:12:19:15
Elaine Price
Well. I don't I did pass some legislation in conjunction with, City Council member Kiki Miller last year. She came to me with an issue, and we were able to get some legislation passed. So, if anything like that pops up again, I'm more than willing to do that to make sure that, our area is taken care of.

00:12:19:17 - 00:12:59:12
Elaine Price
Legislators often receive input from advocacy groups and organizations in addition to your constituents. How will you balance these perspectives when supporting or opposing legislation, and what steps will you take to ensure transparency to your constituents? I feel that I am easily accessible to my constituents, and my principles are grounded in North Idaho values, and what that means to me is supporting freedoms and the Constitution and restraining the overreach of government.

00:12:59:12 - 00:13:44:03
Elaine Price
That's what I feel. North Idaho represents the most. And so groups can come to me and talk to me. But my principles stand firm, and I think that I proved that in the last legislative session. And so having them grounded in what I consider North Idaho values, helps me represent the people better. And, I appreciate the input of different groups, but I, I said it pretty clear the first session that that this is where I stand on these things.

00:13:44:03 - 00:14:21:23
Elaine Price
And, I'm not going to compromise.

Naomi Boutz
Okay. Thank you. Last question. If proposition one passes, will you support it or will you vote to repeal it?

Elaine Price
Very interesting question. And I was doing some research on it, coming into this interview and open primaries were, were deemed unconstitutional in a court case in 2011, I believe, is when the the verdict was rendered.

00:14:22:01 - 00:14:57:12
Elaine Price
So I will have a hard time supporting something that's been deemed uncounted. Intuitional. Part political parties have a, a freedom to affiliate. And so prop one is based on, open primaries and that was specifically deemed unconstitutional in this court case. So, and then ranked choice voting, we passed legislation, legislation this last session to ban ranked choice voting as well.

00:14:57:12 - 00:15:22:12
Elaine Price
So, so I don't I do not support it. I hope it does not pass. And we'll have to deal with it when it comes, because my understanding is there's a good chance that it's going to be litigated if it does pass.

Naomi Boutz
So okay. Thank you. And now we're to your closing statements. You have one minute. Just again thank you for doing this.

00:15:22:12 - 00:15:45:03
Elaine Price
Thank you for allowing me to get in front of the constituents again. And I just want everybody know that that I, I would like them to reach out to me if they have questions or concern, they can find me at Elaine, for see the And they can email me at Elaine ld for our at proton

00:15:45:03 - 00:16:14:17
Elaine Price
So, again, thank you and I hope you have a great night.

Naomi Boutz
Thanks for being here. On behalf of the Joint Public Policy Committees representing the Coeur d'Alene regional, Hayden and Post Falls in Rathdrum Chambers of Commerce in partnership with the Hagadone Media Group and Coeur d'Alene Post Falls Press. Lindsay and I thank all candidates for participating. I would also like to thank the production team members at the Quicksilver Studios, the Hagadone Media Group, and the Coeur d'Alene press.

00:16:14:18 - 00:16:35:21
Naomi Boutz
And of course, thank you to those who have taken the time to learn more about each of the candidates featured in this year's Meet the Candidates series. This series has made it possible to hear from 23 Kootenai County local race candidates. We sincerely thank candidates who took the time to discuss what is important to voters in Kootenai County.

00:16:35:23 - 00:17:11:17
Naomi Boutz
We hope this townhall forum has helped inform those still uncertain about whom they will cast a final ballot for in the coming weeks. Please remember to vote. It's one of the most significant rights and responsibilities as Americans. The fundamental message this year is cast informed votes. Thank you.