Thursday, September 26, 2024
Oscar Mooney (far left) holding the mic as the caller and Geoff Emry and his family at the back left.

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Square dancing through the ages
September 26, 2024 1 a.m.

Square dancing through the ages

During winter months as a kid, I remember going to square dances with my family at the Mica Flats Grange. I loved getting to stay up late, dancing with family and friends, and the best part was taking a break for “supper” at 10 pm which meant a vast array of homemade cookies and cakes and pies to eat! The live music was provided by the old-timers — Louie Anderson on fiddle, Marguerite Carder playing piano or Don Sausser playing the organ and Henry Larson was the caller. It would get so warm in that old Grange Hall with all those bodies moving around that they’d have to open up all the windows and doors to let in the cold air. I loved it so much that once, in my enthusiasm for dancing, I stepped on my sister's toes so often that by the end of the night she had bloody feet.