Friday, June 28, 2024
Nancy Gag Braun points to a small urn holding the ashes of her late husband Steve Braun, in her Mankato, Minn., bedroom on May 13, 2024. After caring for Steven at home became too much for her to handle, he was at the hospital while they waited on a long-term care placement. “I cried many nights,” Braun said. “I felt so guilty.” (Casey Ek/CNHI News via AP)

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Older Americans often don't prepare for long-term care, from costs to location to emotional toll
May 23, 2024 10:15 a.m.

Older Americans often don't prepare for long-term care, from costs to location to emotional toll

Advance planning helps, but an AP-NORC poll in 2021 showed most Americans don’t discuss the possibility of long-term care, let alone prepare for it.