Saturday, May 18, 2024
This is an example of the North Idaho CharityTracker dashboard users see when they first log on, including instant access to the bulletin feature. As of Wednesday, 3,616 people had been served through this online tool; 7,639 acts of kindness had been counted; and $847,177 of assistance had been deployed.

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CharityTracker gains traction
January 25, 2024 1:06 a.m.

CharityTracker gains traction

Online referral tool celebrates first corporate sponsor, 76 users and counting

A single mom raising two children is in need of a few pieces of furniture after finding stable housing and moving herself and her children out of homelessness. An elderly resident hopes to find a safe ride to an exercise class so she can work on staying strong and upright. A young family that lost everything in a house fire is in desperate need of food and short on money as they look to start over in a new home. The calls go out. Prayers are answered, needs are met and those among a vulnerable but widespread population in the community are able to shift their focuses from short-term crises to long-term goals of living thriving, independent lives. Those journeys can begin with CharityTracker.