Saturday, January 18, 2025
Emmett Hernandez and Amelia Freeman, North Idaho STEM Charter Academy eighth graders, stand with their FIRST Lego League robotics table Wednesday as they show how they have programmed their robots to complete certain tasks.

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NI STEM robotics team takes on the world
February 19, 2024 1:07 a.m.

NI STEM robotics team takes on the world

Students will compete against other countries in April

FIRST Lego League robotics enthusiasts from North Idaho STEM Charter Academy will be using their skills for communication, collaboration and innovation as they pursue world domination. The Los Cuatro Amigos team of eighth graders will compete in the 2024 FIRST Championship from April 17-20 in Houston. They'll be pitting their robotics prowess against teams from countries such as India, Brazil and China. “It’s exciting because a team hasn’t gone from our school in 12 years and it’s a big opportunity,” team member Reagan Smith said Wednesday.