Saturday, September 21, 2024
First Interstate Bank and the First Interstate Bank Foundation have granted a combined $4,000 to Tesh, Inc. After being vandalized in 2020, Tesh identified the need to upgrade and install a campus security system. The funds will be used to help finish updates, upgrades, and repairs of the nonprofit campus' security system, which will total $34,650.

First Interstate Bank and the Foundation invest in initiatives, projects and activities that address poverty-related issues, including nonprofit capacity building. People with disabilities are among the most marginalized, and are more likely to face severe social, economic, and civic disparities as compared with those without disabilities. Households including persons with disabilities often have lower incomes, higher unemployment rates and higher health risks.

“We are happy to continue to support Tesh and their mission of assisting individuals with disabilities in our community,” said Leza Moyer, Retail HUB Manager of First Interstate Bank.

From left: Carolyn Dietz and Corrin Wallace (First Interstate Bank), Anna Mae Padgitt and Caleb Gardner (Tesh clients), Terri Johnson (Tesh VP), and Marcee Hartzell (Tesh CEO).