Saturday, May 04, 2024
Honey Gardens employees took this vintage ’52 Chevy truck on tour with them across 10 western U.S. states to spread awareness about beekeeping and pass out samples of honey and wellness drinks. HANNAH NEFF/Press

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Buzzing through the West
August 14, 2021 1:08 a.m.

Buzzing through the West

Honey Gardens puts spotlight on bees and their keepers

Five thousand miles, three months, two guys, one RV. Why? To share their products and raise awareness of the beekeeping industry. Jeff Brighton, brand manager for Honey Gardens, a bee company in Utah, said the journey is a bit of a tribute to beekeepers. “We want to do it in a fun way that kind of honors what beekeepers do,” Brighton said. “Beekeepers are kind of migratory, they travel with their bees, and so it’s pretty normal for beekeepers to live out of an RV for at least part of the year.”