Monday, September 30, 2024
Jalen Grimes, 13, stands behind 7-year-old sister, Sydney, outside their home in Chicago on Sunday, March 22, 2020. Both girls are now doing schoolwork at home because of the virus pandemic. Jalen is missing much of her 8th grade year, including a class trip. Usually 8th graders in Illinois have a graduation, a rite of passage into high school. But those ceremonies, which often happen in June, are a question mark, as well. Jalen says she is annoyed, sad and worried all at once. (AP Photo/Martha Irvine)

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Virus pandemic an unprecedented test for a young generation
March 23, 2020 1:17 p.m.

Virus pandemic an unprecedented test for a young generation

CHICAGO (AP) — For Jalen Grimes, the virus pandemic is stirring up a slew of emotions. “Annoyed" is the first one the 13-year-old Chicagoan mentions. “Scared, confused, worried.”