Monday, March 17, 2025

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Hayden amends, approves lower levy request amount
September 2, 2022 1:09 a.m.

Hayden amends, approves lower levy request amount

Base budget increase ask for more law enforcement will be on Nov. 8 ballot

A proposed levy seeking additional funding for law enforcement in Hayden will be on the ballot Nov. 8, but it will be for a lower amount than originally approved by the city council in August. During a special Tuesday evening council meeting, council members passed a motion to amend the levy amount from $597,843 to $543,843, a difference of $54,000.

Qualified? Read this and decide
April 1, 2022 1 a.m.

Qualified? Read this and decide

I would like to begin with a sincere thank you to everyone who has written letters, emails, text, and phone calls I have received in support of me for Interim Mayor for the City of Hayden. I am truly humbled and honored by all the support.

March 23, 2022 1:07 a.m.


Special meeting planned April 4 as Hayden opens mayoral search to public

Special meeting planned April 4 as Hayden opens mayoral search to public

Saterfiel: Why not mayor?
March 15, 2022 1:07 a.m.

Saterfiel: Why not mayor?

Past Council president shares plans to apply for interim job

Past Hayden Council president, longtime member Roger Saterfiel shares plans to apply for opening

Hayden mayor resigns
February 24, 2022 1:09 a.m.

Hayden mayor resigns

Says new council members putting city at legal risk

Hayden Mayor Steve Griffitts will step down next week, citing the actions of two new city council members.

Solid waste challenges explained
July 31, 2021 1 a.m.

Solid waste challenges explained

I would like to respond to Mr. Anderson on fixing the solid waste woes article. He called it bureaucratic nincompoopery.

Hayden cancels town hall
June 10, 2021 1:09 a.m.

Hayden cancels town hall

Rift on City Council erupts during public meeting

City council calls off town hall in split vote

Hayden: It's all about the citizens
November 3, 2018 1 a.m.

Hayden: It's all about the citizens

Here are some important points about Hayden’s levy increase request.