Saturday, May 18, 2024
Courtesy photo
The Sting Timbers FC 01 girls soccer team won the under-16 girls division at the Bill Eisenwinter Hot Shot Tournament. The Sting Timbers FC 01G defeated NSC Montana 2001G
6-1. Madison Sorsabal had a hat trick, Hannah Clark scored two goals, Charlotte Henning one. Addie Smart, Hannah Clarke and Madison Sorsabal each had assists. The Sting Timbers beat the Magic City SC White 2001G 6-0, on 2 goals by Madison Sorsabal and 1 each by Punky James, Erika Skidlov, Jordan Roth and Hannah Clarke. Addie Smart, CC Cydell, Hannah Clarke and Jordan Roth had one assist each. In Game 3 the Sting Timbers defeated Meridian United FC 3-0. Hannah Clarke scored two goals, Madison Sorsabal one. Erika Skidlov had two assists, Hannah Clarke one. In the championship game, the Sting Timbers defeated Idaho Rush Nero 2001G 3-1. Madison Sorsabal scored two goals, Jordan Roth one. Hannah Clarke, Megan Corette and Addie Smart each had one assist. In the front row from left are Madison Sorsabal, Hannah Clarke, Jordan Roth, Addie Smart, Courtney Cydell and Erika Skidlov; and back row from left, Breanna “Bre” Torres, Megan Corette, Catherine “Punky” James, Marlee Lambert, Eryn Ducote, Sophia Vietri, Mercedes Zepeda, coach Dan Hogan and Charlotte Henning. Not pictured is Kate Gatten.

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Soccer, and select soccer
May 17, 2017 4:36 a.m.

Soccer, and select soccer