Thursday, May 02, 2024
<p>From Heidi Yount at Real Life Ministries:</p><p>"...we have some VERY crazy 12th man fans. Several men in our leadership have been Seahawks fans since they were little boys, growing up with year after year of disappointing seasons.</p><p>These last two football seasons have been very encouraging to these life-long fans...and they've brought a few of the staff at Real Life on board with them. It's hard not to join in with their enthusiasm and spirit, not to mention Russell Wilson's shared love for Jesus.</p><p>We have services on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings, so most of our staff doesn't work on Fridays. This week, we declared Wednesday as our staff "Blue Friday"...but not everyone on staff (including our senior pastor Jim Putman) were available to take the photo, so we found a way to get him in the pic and honor our Real Life 12th "manners."</p><p>But our Seahawks love doesn't just stop with football. We have a food room on our campus that feeds 2,000 people every month, and we've asked our congregation to help provide for a "Souperbowl" Food Drive and provide a few highly requested items to our food room. We are hoping our congregation responds with the generosity to support the needs of our community as heartily as they support their Seahawks, and we are confident they will."</p>

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Serious Seahawks fans
January 29, 2015 1:19 p.m.

Serious Seahawks fans