Saturday, May 04, 2024
<p>In this undated handout photo provided by United Artissts, Iggy Pop, left, and Tom Waits are seen in United Artists comedy "Coffee and Cigarettes." The new year's just begun and already you're finding it hard to keep those resolutions to junk the junk food, get active, or quit smoking? There's a biological reason a lot of our bad habits are so hard to break _ they get wired into our brains.</p>

Stories this photo appears in:

New Year's resolutions? Brain can sabotage success
January 5, 2011 8 p.m.

New Year's resolutions? Brain can sabotage success

Healthy Lifestyles

WASHINGTON - Uh-oh, the new year's just begun and already you're finding it hard to keep those resolutions to junk the junk food, get off the couch or kick smoking. There's a biological reason a lot of our bad habits are so hard to break - they get wired into our brains.