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Letters to the Editor
Letters Policy. The Press encourages letters as a means for readers to share opinions and feedback about local and regional news and events. However, letters will not be published if they include profane, obscene language or if they promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Letters must not exceed 275 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime phone number (not for publication) or they will not be published. Please submit letters to:, or mail to Readers Write, The Press, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.
KC DEMS EXEC COMMITTEE: Response to Regan column
Although it is normally our policy not to respond to KCRCC chair Brent Regan’s opinion pieces, Friday’s column took a disturbing turn and it needs to be addressed.
MAGA REPUBLICANS: Are traditional Republicans
To answer the editors’ questions at the end of the article, “What kind of Republicans in what proportions are moving here? Are they mostly MAGA Republicans or more traditional Republicans?” Guess what. MAGA Republi…
SPORTS OFFICIALS: Deserve respect, gratitude
All three of the schools in our wonderful community have excellent sports programs. All of the coaches, parents and players get a lot of recognition for their support and hard work, but the real heroes of every gam…
GARCIA: Needs her own column
Can Coeur d’Alene legend Juanita Garcia have her own editorial please?
In a letter printed Dec. 8, Donna Casalicchio asked, “Could someone enlighten me as to how a person can run for office (president) with so many upcoming appointments with the judicial system? I just don’t get it. T…
WORD OF YEAR: Another suggestion
If I may make a quick observation about the article published Dec. 9 about Merriam-Webster’s word of the year — Authentic. I’d like to offer up another option: “Perfect” primarily used by younger people in the serv…
COMMISSIONERS: Limited by county government structure
I don’t honestly know who should be “blamed” for a misplaced decimal point which certainly has created as a minimum a time delay issue. Apparently several reviews by computer and human beings did not initially dete…
LETTERS, EDITORIAL: ‘Petulant commentary’
The smug, arrogant elitisms spewing out of the ‘Letters to the Editor’ and ‘Editorial’ sections of the Coeur d’Alene Press on Dec. 9, are among some of the most abhorrent and petulant commentary I have ever seen.
RANKED CHOICE VOTING: Combats ‘massive loss of voting rights’
Do you pay taxes on Income or a primary residence in Idaho?
The open primary initiative includes Ranked Choice Voting. The state of Alaska initiated RCV for the 2022 election.
FARMERS MARKET: Thanks for delightful time
We attended the Winter Farmers Market at the fairgrounds on Saturday and had a delightful time. The vendors at each of the booths outdid themselves in decorating and presenting their wares. A most enjoyable part of…
PRESS: Yes, it’s liberal
I’m writing to voice my complete support of the thoughts expressed in the letter from Dale Gibboney in Sunday’s edition of The Press.
NORTH IDAHO: Dems and traditional Republicans should leave
Reading your editorial of Dec. 8, you wonder what kind of Republicans are moving here. Are they MAGA or more traditional Republicans? By MAGA I assume you mean the Republicans who are in favor of common sense and t…
GARCIA: Stay in ‘crazytown’
Dear Ms. Garcia, I do hope your trip to San Francisco was fruitful. Do you have any spare rooms? I could help to find more mis/disinformed liberals to keep you company.
BIG WIRES: Needed for electrical grid system
The Building Integrated Grids With Inter-Regional Energy Supply (BIG WIRES) Act is a promising bipartisan bill in Congress that offers a wide range of benefits: reducing the risk of electrical power outages, loweri…