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Letters to the Editor
Letters Policy. The Press encourages letters as a means for readers to share opinions and feedback about local and regional news and events. However, letters will not be published if they include profane, obscene language or if they promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Letters must not exceed 275 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, hometown and daytime phone number (not for publication) or they will not be published. Please submit letters to:, or mail to Readers Write, The Press, 215 N. Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.
PROP 1: Mailer was deceptive
Yesterday, I received a mailer from a group called Idahoans for Open Primaries. High-quality and well-produced in patriotic red, white and blue on glossy paper, it claimed that Prop 1 “restores OPEN PRIMARIES” that…
NIC: Support the college
North Idaho College was established on Aug. 10, 1933. During the past 91 years, NIC has offered important higher education classes to people seeking training in hundreds of vocations and occupations.
ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Knudtsen, Durbin, Havercroft
For the past four years, I’ve watched our wonderful college circle the drain with Todd Banducci at the helm, and then dive straight toward losing accreditation with the intolerable Greg McKenzie as board chair. Des…
PROP 1: Vote yes for better candidates
I was beyond disappointed when I opened my ballot to see Marc Eberlein was the only “choice” for Board of County Commissioners, District 1.
ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Holdahl
I am proud to endorse Tami Holdahl for Idaho House of Representatives in District 2 Seat B. Tami is a dedicated community leader with a proven track record of advocating for our neighborhoods and ensuring that ever…
ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Durbin, Knudtsen, Havercroft
North Idaho Republicans enthusiastically support and endorse three highly capable Republicans for North Idaho College (NIC) Board of Trustees: Rick Durbin, Eve Knudtsen and Mary Havercroft — three candidates who e…
BORDER CRISIS: Following the party line
I quote here a portion of a recent letter on the subject of Border Crisis.
ENDORSEMENT: Vote for Peterson
Russ Fulcher wanted us to believe that increased IRS staffing last year would increase taxes for working Americans. The purpose of the funding was to investigate the super-rich who hide their money to avoid paying …
DRIVING: It’s not safe anymore
Isn’t it amazing how many people have to be first on the roadways and parking lots.
PROP 1: A bad bait and switch
Please join me in voting no on Proposition 1.
EDITORIAL: Bible influenced Constitution
In response to your editorial, “The Rattle and Hiss of Misplaced Public Service,” the founding fathers of our nation referenced the Bible more than any other book when writing our Constitution.
EDITORIAL: No need to ridicule Christians
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits our government from establishing a religion. The Community Library Network (CLN) is part of our government. The CLN cannot order closure of our libraries on th…
FORUM: Mattare designed an echo chamber
I was so disappointed in the supposed “transportation town hall” that took place on Oct. 23. Bruce Matare claimed to use data driven information, but he only chose to use data that supported his opinions. When we f…
North Idaho College is GREAT, with one and only one exception, the majority of the board of trustees: Greg McKenzie, Mike Waggoner, and Todd Banducci. Leading up to the November 2022 election, these three loudly pr…
PROP 1: Leads to less partisan gridlock
Ranked choice voting rewards candidates who build coalitions, not those who rely on a narrow base of voters. Resulting in more representative government, less polarization, and less partisan gridlock.