Friday, July 26, 2024


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Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.

Updated 1 month ago

OPINION: Privatizing North Idaho College is a misguided approach

A few months ago, I highlighted the crucial role federal funds play at North Idaho College (NIC). Now, the Idaho G…

Updated 1 week ago
PRESCRIPTIONS: Lower costs are better

There is a bill working its way through the U.S. Congress called the SMART Prices Act (S.1246). This legislation would boost Medicare prescription drug price negotiation by enhancing the Centers for Medicare & Medi…

Updated 1 week ago
PRESCRIPTIONS: Who exactly are Seniors for Better Care?

Our freedoms in this country are essential for Democracy to survive. Freedom of the press is enumerated first in our Bill of Rights. It is so placed because it was viewed as so very important. As with all rights ea…

Updated 1 week ago
TERM LIMITS: Time for younger candidates

Our political system is in total discourse. We need political term limits which will produce young politicians with young ideas to run the country.

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
EDITORIAL: Gratitude is armor for good leaders

Community will miss CDA Mayor Hammond.

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
OPINION: Contraception is not a partisan issue. Let’s stop treating it like one

Let us make one thing clear: Republicans support birth control. And they should not be afraid to say so.

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
SENIOR CENTER: Please consider providing support

Are we the forgotten generation — the senior citizens of Hayden and surrounding area? Trying to get sponsors or raise funds for the Hayden Senior Center has been an almost futile effort. But a BIG thank you to thos…

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
FIREWORKS: Time to step up enforcement

We agree with Kathy Eshoo! This same war was all around Post Falls. I have lived here for 84 years. This was the worst Fourth of July I’ve ever seen.

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
PUBLIC MEETINGS: Boards should brush up on Idaho law

An agenda and notice of public meeting must be posted at least five days before a public meeting. These can be posted on a library door. Any item of business must be an ‘action item’ if it is to be voted on. To go …

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
LIBRARIES: Get rid of woke leftist oligarchs

It seems that the Coeur d’Alene Press has decided to become a bully pulpit for those who oppose the current Community Library Network board majority.

Updated 1 week, 2 days ago
FIREWORKS: More important things to worry about

IE: Fleeing to Canada to escape noise that dog gets anxiety from and wants more law enforcement of current restrictions. First, my dog is my dog, therefore my problem to comfort him. I don’t ask the understaffed, o…

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
EDITORIAL: Small steps in right direction for NIC

But biggest accreditation challenge remains threefold.

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
MAIL: Keep postage rates low

It is very sad that the rates on first class postage goes up, and we get junk mail all the time and throw it in the trash. Just think who will pay the price.

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
NIC: McKenzie should resign

After reading the article about North Idaho College in the July 7 Coeur d’Alene Press, I wonder why Greg McKenzie is a trustee of NIC. In the article, it mentioned that the Northwest Commission of Colleges and Univ…

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
FIREWORKS: Lack of enforcement should be covered

Regarding Kathy Ishoo’s letter concerning illegal fireworks laws not being enforced. I (and others) wrote similar letters last year. Nothing has changed. In fact my neighbors say it was worse. I purposefully fled t…

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
FAIRGROUNDS: Keep them where they are

Dear Commissioner Brooks, I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed relocation of our local fairgrounds. As an event owner who brings approximately 4,500 attendees to the Kootenai County Fairgrounds…