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Healthy Community
What's happening in our healthy community? For information and details regarding daily lifestyle, see our articles below.
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Holiday Stress Management: Biggest causes of stress and anxiety
The holidays can be a joyous and wonderful time, but there’s no denying that holiday stress can occasionally creep…
The fires
High cholesterol and heart disease
Snoring - It's irritating
Foggy day, foggy brain
Do epidural corticosteroid shots work?
We often get asked about our thoughts on steroid injections. So I decided to look at the latest research and share the information with you so you can make an educated choice.
9 tips to protect your family during cold and flu season
There are several commonsense measures to boost your immune system and help prevent the cold and flu in your family. Hopefully, you are already doing many of these. If not, now is the perfect time to start.
Private label good or bad?
I typically write my column on the Saturday prior to its printing on Wednesday. We are heartbroken at the scenes playing out across Napa and Sonoma counties. We have received requests for information from many of y…
Different kinds of fatigue
When people talk about being tired or fatigued, it is generally called by different verbs: they refer to it as “sleepy”, tired, “sick fatigue,” physical fatigue (overwork, muscle soreness), mental fatigue, just wor…
Chronic snoring can cause heart disease
Your heavy snoring can be funny sounding or irritating to your sleep partner, but it certainly is not a joke! It’s most often the sign that you have a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA increases…
Healing: It's OK to grieve
Sometimes unusual things happen in life at such odd moments, it's just hard to explain. I was standing in the “greet and thank-you” line with my Mom and my siblings at my Father's funeral service in Maryland this p…
JUDD JONES: Feeling Stuck
This week, I want to touch on one of the most common and disappointing feelings anyone can have when pursuing changes in weight, physical fitness, body composi…
Memory complaints and dementia
As we grow older, we tend to worry more about lapses in memory and what it could mean. However, memory loss is not a natural process of aging. Our brains are capable of making new brain cells at any age.
Apples, apples, and more apples
Fall is here — one my favorite times of the year. Actually, I like all seasons for their unique offerings. Aside from pumpkins, stews, crockpot recipes, and the turning of the leaves’ colors, apples play a big role…
Exhausted, worn out, sooooo tired!
These complaints are so common today, that to NOT hear them now seems odd. There are many, many reasons for fatigue, and therefore, a good comprehensive evaluation is necessary if the underlying reason for the fati…
Ask your audiologist: New android cell phone helps and some other developments
A few manufacturers have now developed hearing aids that are compatible with any Bluetooth phone regardless of the operating system or the brand. The technology has been available for iPhones for a while, but now t…