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My Turn
See the latest My Turn columns here!
MY TURN: AI writing and beyond
Last week, I wrote 269 words for the back cover of a book I recently completed. After some edits, I thought it was…
The case against re-entry
I have followed the prisoner release facility being proposed for Kootenai County, and have been concerned with the misleading way that the proponents of the fa…
CDA 2030: A beautiful (and valuable) organization
A recent My Turn opinion column in the Press asked “Who and What is CDA 2030?” Answers to those questions and much more information about CDA 2030 can easily b…
Who and what is CDA 2030?
We hear a lot about CDA 2030 nobly representing the “community” and the “public.” But exactly who and what are they?
Partisanship wins in this impeachment battle
As Congress proceeds with seemingly endless rounds of impeachment hearings, I am trying to pinpoint when presidential politics became so vicious.
Let voters make urban renewal decisions
The recent hysteria and related criticism of our local urban renewal agency ignite cda is unwarranted and unfair. Urban renewal agencies are statutorily author…
Con: Risks outweigh rewards
Everyone wins when released felons can integrate successfully back into society as law-abiding, productive citizens. Unfortunately, successful integration is u…
Pro: The program works
These are already our people. Our family, our friends, or maybe the kid who grew up down the street and played with our kids but then went through some tough a…
VA CDA service lacking
I read with interest Monday, Nov. 18, the Press articles about the VA clinic in Coeur d’Alene, with their excellent service.
As Cd'A towers go up, life quality goes down
Coeur d’Alene has a Downtown Core building code that envisions “highest” density uses. (Ask for the two pages of specifications at the Building Code office.) The allowed maximum height of buildings is 220 feet (app…
Stand tall to defend public art
At its best, public art has the transformative potential to spark community engagement and create a sense of place. On any given day, you can see a child gravi…
America, stop withdrawing from the world
Since the ending of World War II (1945), America has been, unquestionably, the most powerful nation on Earth. It has served as a model for many countries. Our power, coupled with our democratic and republican found…
Post Falls creating its own train nightmare
In the Nov. 23 Press story about train noise, Post Falls said its primary responsibility in considering housing projects near railroad tracks is public safety,…
The case for a robot for Christmas
This year’s Kootenai Health Foundation Festival of Trees will be raising money to help fund a second da Vinci surgical robot at Kootenai Health. While surgical…
Suicide prevention starts with knowledge
Sunday’s front-page article on suicide was daunting and disappointing. Daunting because of the sheer numbers here in North Idaho. Disappointing because the cau…
Eyes open, let's see beauty of American quilt
As Thanksgiving 2019 becomes a pleasant memory, it is a good time to reflect upon the significance of this important holiday. Families and friends gather to br…