Friday, July 26, 2024


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My Turn

See the latest My Turn columns here!

Updated 1 week, 1 day ago

MY TURN: Freedom to vote

Idahoans praise a lifestyle uncluttered by government overreach yet are allowing politicians to chip away one of o…

Updated 4 weeks ago
MY TURN: Ten Commandments should be displayed in schools

Wow! Every time Jim Jones has a column in The Press, I have to decide if I want to read it or not. Like his name likeness, Jim Jones tries to feed us his Kool-…

Updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago
MY TURN: NIC trustees fail athletic program

During my 10 years as a university president, I had the good fortune to work with exceptional boards of trustees who were fiercely loyal to the mission of the university, forward-looking, fiscally responsible, and …

Updated 1 month ago
MY TURN: Anti Pride = Pro hate

What a beautiful celebration for our LBGTQ community last week in the City Park. Coming together to celebrate our differences always creates so much joy and unity within our community. Our differences do not make u…

Updated 1 month ago
MY TURN: Don't let ego, pride and control interfere with the mission

What are three things that hinder or destroy an organization or relationship? Answer: ego, pride and control. Nothing distorts a group’s mission more than a member placing their ego above the mission. A person’s id…

Updated 1 month ago
MY TURN: Idaho open primaries and why we are here 'a brief history'

The Idaho Senate in 2023 voted to pass a bill that calls for the Idaho secretary of state to create and mail a free, informational voter guide to every Idaho household before state primary and general elections.

Updated 1 month, 1 week ago
MY TURN: Internet politics

From its inception in the 1960s (and wide use since the 1980s), the internet was designed and implemented to treat all user traffic — email, file transport, ev…

Updated 1 month, 1 week ago
MY TURN: Political 'clickbait'

In a genuine effort to maintain a balanced political understanding and to keep my vision from becoming myopic, I made some time to peruse the most recent and unsolicited volume 2, Issue 14 of The People's Pen that …

Updated 1 month, 1 week ago
MY TURN: Take a stand against bigotry, racism

On behalf of the NAACP Kootenai County Branch, I am writing to address a deeply troubling incident that recently occurred at McEuen Park, where young students from the Coeur d’Alene Tribal School were racially hara…

Updated 1 month, 1 week ago
MY TURN: Regan’s his name; divide and conquer is his game

Kootenai County has become a microcosm of growing delusion, deep community division and a rapid dissolving of ties that once bound us together. Unchecked, this…

Updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
MY TURN: Carping critics

Has anyone else grown weary of the small group of faultfinders who attend every North Idaho College board meeting? Their repetitive diatribes and sometimes cheeky behavior are frustrating for those waiting their tu…

Updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
MY TURN: The good old days

I was shopping in a local store a couple of weeks ago when I overheard two women talking about how they wish we could go back to “the good old days” when things were so much better. I have heard that same mantra ex…

Updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
MY TURN: Standing against hate in our community

The recent incident at McEuen Park, where students from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe were racially harassed, is a stark reminder of the work we must continue to do …

Updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
MY TURN: Project 2025 — Presidential Transition Project

I see from Mr. Regan’s most recent article that he thinks the Coeur d’ Alene Press should be a mouthpiece for his perspective, rather than a voice for the broader views of the community. That doesn’t surprise me. T…

Updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
MY TURN: Tribe exemplifies 'kindness, generosity and stewardship'

I realize that people are different and that they have different views and beliefs. I respect the fact that they are entitled to their opinion. That being said…

Updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
MY TURN: 'We stand in support of you'

As a pastor and member of this community, I am saddened by the harassment of students from the Coeur d'Alene Tribe in McEuen Park this past Wednesday.