Evan Koch
See the latest column from Evan Koch here!
OPINION: Peaceful, not passive
Two distinct occasions collided on Monday: Inauguration Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. One event marked the p…
OPINION: Fighting for hope
Anger, resentment, and being a victim can only survive so long as politically motivating messages. Eventually, people crave hope.
OPINION: Sifting through the OPI blather
As November gets closer, you are going to see a lot of information about the “Yes on 1 for Open Primaries” initiative. Some of it will be accurate, but a lot w…
OPINION: It’s time to talk about suicide again
Grief and depression thrive in the shadows. However, in the light of day, with the support of friends, we can build a beautiful, messy, imperfect, and complete…
OPINION: Two views of working people
As we celebrate Labor Day 2024, let’s consider the views of Democrats and Republicans with respect to working people and job creation.
OPINION: Live from the Democratic National Convention
This week, I'm writing to you from the heart of Chicago, where the feeling is electric as Democrats make history.
OPINION: The kids aren’t alright
As our Democratic candidates knock on doors and listen to voters, they are regularly asked a head-scratcher of a question: why can’t my child independently acc…
OPINION: A burst of Democratic energy
Since Vice President Kamala Harris announced her candidacy for President, Democrats have seen a surge of energy and engagement - both nationally and locally.
OPINION: Idaho’s course correction
What do you see in Idaho’s future?
OPINION: Principles are more important than politicians
Kootenai County Democrats strive to elevate loyalty to principles over loyalty to politicians. It’s what makes us different from the opposing party. No President is a God above the law.
OPINION: Where do we go from here?
As Americans and members of our North Idaho community, we have a pivotal choice to make: How do we respond to political violence?
OPINION: With fear for Democracy, I dissent
For people who love America and its founding ideals, July 1 was a difficult day.
OPINION: Birthday reflections
As the United States reaches its 247th year, the joints are getting a little creaky and we are collectively experiencing some pain in the posterior.
OPINION: A tale of two conventions
The Idaho Democrats and the Idaho Republicans recently held their party’s conventions one week apart. The results of each speak volumes about the choices voter…
OPINION: Let’s celebrate Juneteenth
Over and over again, we hear community leaders say, “North Idaho is not racist.”
OPINION: Convictions about principled presidential leadership
The conviction of a candidate for president of the United States for felony crimes is not a moment for celebration, but a time for reflection and recommitment …