Monday, March 24, 2025

MY TURN: Response to Kriz U.S. Forest Service letter

by CHARLES FINAN/Guest Opinion
| March 22, 2025 1:00 AM

I am responding to the Letter in the March 16 Press regarding the U.S. Forest Service. Mr. Ron Kriz sent you a letter against the U.S. Forest Service and its employees. I must admit I am shocked by his tone and apparent lack of knowledge of what the employees of that organization do while at work. He is so totally off-base it is difficult to know where to start.

Nobody from that organization will respond to his letter because it is so off-base it would be a waste of time on their part. Second, I wonder where he ever experienced his outlook related to the work those individuals do for us, the public.

I can respond, and I also have utilized the services of that organization:

For instance:

1. Who else is available to provide protection work for insect control, fire control, tree thinning, establishment of timber sales and a myriad of recreational opportunities for the general public?

2. Yes, the Forest Service is a government agency which obtains funding from the American taxes. However, as a public agency there are legal guidelines which require professional actions by the employees of that agency.

3. Again, as a public agency, the Forest Service is required to provide policing of the forests within its jurisdiction. Thus, you will observe employees patrolling the forests watching for people who do not follow the rules. Sometimes they even must take legal action to those who don't follow the rules.

4. By the way, in response to Mr. Kriz, trail management is a very small part of their work. However, recreation use is a major part of the services that organization is directed to provide. After all, who takes care of their campgrounds anyway?

5. Every employee I have ever met has been open with their desire to help those of us who have had problems. After all, who could call for a tow truck in case your pickup broke down in the middle of the forest? Who sets up the rescue teams to search for a missing child or someone who was lost in the winter storm?

Finally, after 65 years of working in the forests of North Idaho I can say Mr. Kriz is so far off base that his letter is an insult to the dedicated employees of the Forest Service. That organization is well managed and poorly funded, and highly respected to those of us who have worked and played in the forests their employees protect.

There is no bloat in funding, no example of poor management and definitely no reason to try to destroy the organization.

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Charles Finan is a Coeur d'Alene resident.