Saturday, March 22, 2025

OPINION: Invincible ignorance

by BRENT REGAN/Common Sense
| March 21, 2025 1:00 AM

“There are none so blind as those that will not see.” — John Heywood 

The Democrats have devolved into an irrational gang of dissidents promoting anti-American policies. Democrats have gone from mandating electric cars to setting them on fire; from advocating for the poor to enabling criminals that exploit the poor, from the party of peace to the party of war, from promoting women’s rights to claiming men make better women than women. They persistently hold these positions in the face of a 29% approval rating. How is this possible? 

Political commentator and humorist Scott Adams observes that the Democrat party seems to be run by “Theater Kids,” individuals engaged in play acting where reality is of no consequence. They behave as if imagining a thing to be will make it so, but they don’t actually believe in the policies they promote. This is evidenced by how quickly stale positions are abandoned. Biden was as sharp as a tack, black lives mattered and climate change was deadly, until not. 

Perhaps the Theater Kids Democrats are the victims of their own success. They successfully infiltrated the education industry and the media which allowed them to promote progressive policies regardless of their true popular support. Remember that Obama originally ran as being against gay marriage and formed his own version of DOGE, ironically with Joe Biden at the helm.  

The response to changing gay marriage as a national policy should have been one of accomplishment and satisfaction for the left. Instead it only amplified the appetite for change. They became stuck in a “Hold my Soy Latte” do loop with each success demanding further change and those changes deviating further and further from what was generally acceptable to the majority of people. To quell any objections, the left developed and amplified cancel culture so anyone who dared to say “the Emperor has no clothes” was pounced upon as an example to others and a warning not to break the trance. 

This created an entirely separate reality where information was presented in approved sources, such a CNN and MSNBC, and the highly manipulated and censored social media platforms. Once this reality was generated and defended, any position “fact” could be propagated without pushback no matter how absurd of ridiculous.  

There were no guardrails. There were no checks and balances. They had no rational safety mechanism to prevent runaway insanity. Every step demanded a greater step into the void. If yesterday they convinced parents to offer up their children to men garishly costumed as women performing a pantomime strip tease then what can’t they do tomorrow?  

We can see the propaganda and brainwashing in real time and at all levels. It is not uncommon for a new buzzword or phrase to pop up simultaneously across media platform and in Democrat talking points. Remember when Trumps speech was described as “dark” or when they called JD Vance “weird.” This coordination reached its zenith when 23 Democrat congressmen and senators simultaneously released separate videos where they all read the exact same script. It was humiliating for them because it exposed the true inauthenticity of their party. Everything is scripted for the moment. 

It is astounding that nobody in the party either cares or is capable of taking a step back and seeing the broad picture. As a result Democrats find themselves working feverishly to ensure men can compete in women’s sports and use women’s bathrooms; that convicted criminal foreign nationals should not be deported to their home countries, that fraud consuming billions of taxpayer dollars must continue unabated, and that the genital mutilation and chemical disfigurement of children must continue. These articles of liberal faith are inconceivable to rational minds. It seems impossible, and yet here we are.  

The problem with living in an alternate reality is it’s very difficult to forecast future events. The Democrats convinced themselves that Trump was literally Hitler and that he posed an existential threat to “our democracy.” They were self-assured that without earning a single primary vote, Kamala Harris was the best option for beating Trump and their polling clearly showed her in the lead. When Trump won in a landslide winning all the swing states and the popular vote and both houses, the Democrat party was shattered. Ten million Biden “voters” did not reappear at the polls. The “impossible” happened. 

With the fall of Kamala, the Democrat party is leaderless. Biden is mummified. Schumer and Pelosi are fossils of an extinct breed. Newsom is a comical fop at the end of a trail of failure. AOC takes “crazy eyes” to the next level. There is no heir apparent and so the party drifts rudderless. Without a leader there is no strategic thinking, only a lizard brain reflex to fight the bad orange man. They are self-destructing by using judicial lawfare to block Trump’s most popular policies. This will ultimately fail while enraging the voters and eventually causing Congress to place limitations on Article III judicial activism, the left’s last best tool for “change.”  

When Ronald Reagan said, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so” six decades ago it may have been true, but the modern Democrat party eschews enlightenment. They have wrapped themselves in their own ignorance as invincible armor against reality. 

Make no mistake; the Democrat party will rise again. It will be a while before it does but the adults need to be ready for Theater Kids 2.0. 

It’s just common sense.

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Brent Regan is chairman of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.