FOREST SERVICE: Cleans and maintains trails
This in reference to Ron Kriz that wrote about the forest service in Sunday’s paper.
I volunteered for the campgrounds in the forest service for 6 years. Granted it was for a concessionaire company, but we cleaned the camp and toilets. The people along the road would stop in and use the toilets and drop their garbage off and didn’t pay. I have seen the forest service clean the toilets along the roads and pick up messes campers left in off road spaces. They also keep the trails open so the off-road machines can ride safely and tear them up as fast as they repair them. I have also seen them cleaning trails so people can walk safely on them. Wait and see what happens if they don’t have forest service employees. It will be closed so no one can use it. How long have you lived here? Do a little research before you sound off. I am 84 years old and lived here all our lives.
Coeur d’Alene