Friday, March 14, 2025

ONE WAY ROAD: Craziness

| March 14, 2025 1:00 AM

Regarding Hayden Lake residents propose one-way traffic for portion of Lakeview Drive, I totally agree with Mark Lord; that is crazy.

I first have to wonder, which Hayden Lake residents are those who have made this proposition? Certainly not us. The stretch of road in question is approximately 1,580 feet or 1/4 of a mile. 

Anyone approaching HLCC through Miles from the West or North would have to transit across Strahorn and go around via Hayden Avenue. Likewise, anyone coming down the hill on Lakeview toward Coeur d’Alene will have to do the same. Clue, those living between Miles and Hayden Avenue along Strahorn are NOT going to like that nor are walkers and bikers who use the pedestrian lane along that stretch. What it would also mean is that anyone going from, say, The Porch or off Avondale or Morris would have to backtrack to Strahorn to approach the club OR, go down Morris, turn left on Lakeview and transit through the Club Grounds. Yep, the residents there will be so pleased (sarcasm intended). 

There are better solutions.

Some while ago I went to a council meeting where some of the residents who live along upper Lakeview complained about people who used their street as a shortcut to get to areas bounded by Lancaster and Rimrock, often speeding in the process. I get that as I’ve often walked or biked that same area and witnessed that. But you’re going dope on a rope if you think people going to, say, the English Point area, are going to go all the way around and approach from the North. 

When I lived in Hayden View, we had a similar situation coming down off the hill where 15th Street intersects Deer Haven. People get to going faster coming down off the hill so the city put a stop sign at that intersection to slow traffic. Another solution — put a Southbound speed hump just South of the Lakeview/Miles intersection. Simple solutions for simple problems.


Hayden Lake