Friday, March 14, 2025

MEDICAID: Fox in the henhouse?

| March 14, 2025 1:00 AM

“The Only Thing Necessary For The Triumph of Evil Is for Good Men To Do Nothing.” And because they paid attention, spoke up, and peacefully strived for what was right, that quote now includes women. There are so many extreme, narrow-minded bills currently being proposed and moving along in the Idaho Legislature, it is easy to lose sight of them. Many of these by our own North Idaho representatives who are setting out for personal gain on the backs of the sick, needy and working poor. Addressing one of the more shamefully obvious for gain bill is HB345. In 2018 after “We The People” succeeded in petitioning to finally place Medicaid Expansion on the ballot, 61% of Idaho voters realized the serious need and voted in favor of the uninsured needy, disabled and working poor. Currently, State Representative Jordan Redman has written and put forth two bills 138 and 345. Both are crafted to either restrict, add complicated restrictions, limitations or repeal the clear will of the people. Did I mention representative Redman happens to own and operate an Insurance agency that also sells health insurance? Untreated illness and disease results in suffering, death and higher costs for all. This is not about right or left. It’s what is right or wrong. Please call or email your State Representatives to soundly vote no on cruelty.  


Coeur d’Alene